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<br />. <br />. Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, October 29, 1990 <br /> Page 3 <br /> COMPIAINT (Cont'd) Cormcil directed the Clerk Administrator to discuss this <br />. matter with the Building Inspector on 10/30/90 and advise <br /> him to take steps necessary to correct any problems identified at the site. <br /> WINTER PARKING Doris Canniff, 3946 Glenview Avenue, appeared before <br /> ORD. COMPUIINT; Council to state her opposition to the recently enacted <br /> D. CANNIFF, 3946 winter parking ordinance, limiting parking on city <br /> GLENVIEW AVENUE streets between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. <br /> Canniff explained that she has numerous relatives visiting on holidays and in the <br /> past all of her relatives were forced. to leave her henna on a holiday due to <br /> parking restrictions. She suggested if a vehicle is not moved when the plowing <br /> =s, the property owner be responsible for shoveling the snow from that area. <br /> Canniff stated the 11: 00 p.m. time limitation is too restrictive and advised she <br /> will circulate a petition amongst residents to oppose the new ordinance. <br /> Dave Seaberg, 3167 Shorewood Drive, also stated opposition to the new winter <br /> parking ordinance. He explained it appears unreasonable to i1lIpose the parking <br /> restrictions when there is no snow a=nnulation on the streets and 11:00 p.m. is <br /> too early to restrict parking. <br /> Mayor sather explained the Public Works/Safety Cormnittee and Public Works <br /> SUpervisor recormnended the 11:00 p.m. time restriction to allow sufficient time <br /> to clear the streets of snow and CClI1plete sanding prior to the moming peak <br /> traffic. He advised the city does not ertq:lloyee a large staff, such as surrounding <br /> communities, and the pr=ess of plowing takes a longer pericxl of time. <br />. Leonard Grudnoske, 4445 Highway 10, explained that he does snow plowing on a <br /> contract basis and therefore is syrrpathetic to both sides of the issue. He stated <br /> that nonrally the plows do not begin removal of snow prior to 1:00 a.m. <br /> Councilmember Growe stated that most of the residents stating opposition to the <br /> new ordinance have expressed displeasure with the 11:00 p.m. time restriction. <br /> She favored. amending the ordinance to restrict parking between 1:00 and 6:00 a.m. <br /> Cormcilmember Malone requested the Public W=ks SUpervisor camment on reduction <br /> of the time pericxl. <br /> Winkel explained his preference would be to discuss a reduction in hours with his <br /> ertq:lloyees to detennine if the maintenance can be accomplished in the shorter time <br /> pericxl. <br /> Growe moved, seconded by sather, to direct staff to <br /> contact the City Attorney and request a draft amendment to Ordinance No. 272, <br /> winter Parking Regulations, changing the hours from 11: 00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., to <br /> 1:00 a.m. to 6: 00 a.m., for consideration at the November 13 Regular Council <br /> meeting, and to request staff input at that meeting, regarding the change of <br /> hours. Motion carried. (Growe, sather and Hansen voting in favor; Malone opposed) <br /> PERFORM. E\1AIl.lATION Council was referred to a memorandum from Public Works <br /> & SAlARY INCREASE; SUpervisor Winkel dated 10-24-90, relative to the <br />. STEllE (PEI'E) SAXE perfomance evaluation and recarnmended salary in=ease <br /> for ertq:lloyee steve Saxe. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to approve the salary <br /> increase to 100 percent of the wage rate ($13.38 per hour), for employee steve <br /> Saxe, effective November 1, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br />