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<br /> E. Immediate Family. Immediate family shall mean the spouse, <br /> , parents, children, brothers and sisters of an employee and <br /> parents of the spouse of an employee. <br /> F. Benefits. Benefits shall mean indirect compensation and any <br /> . privileges granted to employees, including: vacation leave, <br /> sick leave, holiday leave, military leave, group insurance <br /> and any other benefits approved by the Council. <br /> G. Fiscal Year. Fiscal year shall be January 1 through December <br /> 31 inclusive. <br /> H. Probationary employee: One who has been assigned to a <br /> regular full-time or regular part-time position but who has <br /> not completed the probationary period. <br /> I. Probationary period: The period of six (6) months after <br /> original appointment of any regular full-time or regular <br /> part-time employee. This period means a trial period <br /> considered as an integral part of the examination process <br /> during which an employee is required to demonstrate fitness <br /> for the position and ability to meet required performance <br /> standards of a position. <br /> J. service Credit: The specified period of time required for an <br /> employee to be eligible for benefits. <br /> K. Anniversary Date: shall mean the month and day of initial <br /> hiring or promotion of an employee. <br /> . L. Class: shall mean a position or group of positions similar <br /> in respect to their duties and responsibilities so that the <br /> same title can reasonably be used for the position, and the <br /> same salary schedule may be applied to the position. <br /> M. Demotion: shall mean the placement of an employee in a <br /> position having a lower pay and/or less responsibility than <br /> the position previously held. <br /> N. Grievance: shall mean a dispute or disagreement regarding <br /> the interpretation or application of this chapter. <br /> o. Lay-Off: shall mean the temporary dismissal from employment <br /> of an employee for an unspecified length of time. During a <br /> period of lay-off, employees do not accrue benefits and are <br /> not credited with service. <br /> P. Municipal Service: means employment with the city. <br /> Q. position: means employment calling for the performance of <br /> specified tasks which constitute the total work assignment of <br /> a single employee. There are as many positions as there are <br /> employees. <br /> R. Promotion: shall mean the placement of an employee in a <br />-- position having a higher pay range and/or more responsibility <br /> than the position previously held. <br />- - <br /> -3- <br />