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<br /> S. Termination: means the separation of an employee from the <br /> municipal service as a result of discharge, resignation, <br /> retirement, or death. <br /> T. Transfer: means the placement of an employee in a different <br />. position within the same class as the position previously <br /> held. A transfer does not result in a change in pay range. <br /> SECTION 19-5 APPOINTMENTS. <br /> All appointments in the municipal service shall be made <br /> according to jOb-relevant qualifications, merits and fitness <br /> as determined by the City Councilor city Administrator. <br /> Appointments to municipal service shall be made by the City <br /> Council. If the Council desires, it may request the <br /> recommendations of the city Administrator or department head. <br /> A. BY EXAMINATION. When required by law, by the city Councilor <br /> City Administrator, jOb-relevant qualifications, merit and <br /> fitness may be ascertained by administering jOb-relevant <br /> written, oral, physical, psychological, medical or other <br /> examinations which will determine the relative ability of the <br /> candidate to discharge efficiently all duties of the position <br /> for which such examinations are held. <br /> B. WITHOUT EXAMINATION. In case of appointment to positions for <br /> which examinations are not required, the City Councilor City <br /> Administrator may appoint any person who appears to meet the <br /> job-relevant requirements listed in the class specifications <br /> and who is found to be qualified to perform all duties of the <br />. position. <br /> C. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CITY PERSONNEL. Whenever possible, <br /> with due regard for jOb-relevant qualifications, merit and <br /> fitness, the city Councilor city Administrator shall avoid <br /> the appointment of any person within the immediate family of <br /> elected or appointed officers or employees of the city. In <br /> the event that a member of the family is appointed to a <br /> position, the appointment shall not be made within the same <br /> department in which an immediate family member works. This <br /> provision does not apply to marital status, as protected <br /> under the Minnesota Human Rights Act. Employment of the <br /> spouse of an elected or appointed officer or employee is not <br /> prohibited; however, appointment or assignment of an <br /> employee's spouse in the same department in which the <br /> employee works is prohibited. <br /> D. STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT. Appointment to a position in the <br /> municipal service shall not be construed to be a property <br /> right of the employee. All employees whose positions are <br /> covered by this chapter are appointed by and serve at the <br /> sole discretion of the City Council and City Administrator. <br /> -4- <br />. <br />