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<br /> E. PROMOTION FROM WITHIN. It shall be the policy of the City to <br /> fill vacancies by promotion of current employees from within <br /> where practicable. This policy shall not be construed to <br /> preclude the City from external recruitment and/or selection <br />. of applicants outside the municipal service, nor as a waiver <br /> of jOb-relevant qualifications for a position, nor as a <br /> guarantee of promotion from within to any and/or all <br /> positions for which job openings occur. All job openings <br /> shall be filled based on consideration of job-relevant <br /> qualifications, merit and fitness. Job openings shall be <br /> posted in the City Hall for five (5) work days prior to the <br /> filling of such vacancies. If a position is filled from <br /> within, length of service in relevant job classification(s) <br /> shall be the determining factor only when job-relevant <br /> qualifications of employees being considered are equal. <br /> F. FALSE INFORMATION. Any applicant or employee giving false or <br /> misleading information on an application form, cheating on an <br /> examination, or falsifying a statement, certificate or <br /> evaluation shall not be considered for employment or shall be <br /> subject to immediate dismissal. Fraud or attempts to commit <br /> fraud which would preclude the City from impartially <br /> executing the provisions of this chapter shall be cause for <br /> the city to refuse to appoint an applicant or to dismiss an <br /> employee. <br /> G. BRIBERY. No person seeking employment or promotion shall, <br /> either directly or indirectly, attempt to influence the city <br /> Administrator or city Council in any way with money, services <br /> or other remuneration. <br />. SECTION 19-6. PROBATIONARY PERIOD <br /> A. PURPOSE. The probationay period shall be regarded as an <br /> integral part of the examination process and shall be <br /> utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for <br /> securing the most effective adjustment of the employee to the <br /> position, and for rejecting any employees whose performance <br /> does not meet all required work standards. At any time <br /> during the probationary period of an employee, the City <br /> Administrator or employee's department head may recommend to <br /> the City Council that an employee be transferred or dismissed <br /> if their position is discontinued or if his/her performance <br /> does not meet the required standards. <br /> B. APPLICATION. Original and promotional appointments for all <br /> positions with the exception of professional and department <br /> head positions shall be probationary and subject to a <br /> probationary period of six (6) months service after <br /> appointment. <br /> c. REVIEW. At least three (3) weeks prior to completion of the <br /> probationary period, the City Administrator or department <br /> head shall review the performance of a probationary employee <br />. -5- <br />