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<br /> and make a recommendation to the City Council. The matter <br /> shall be placed on the Council agenda for the next regular <br /> meeting, at which time the Council shall consider the <br /> recommendation and make a determination as to whether the <br /> employee shall be continued as a regular full-time or regular <br />. part-time employee, or be terminated. If the employee is not <br /> to be continued beyond the end of the probationary period, <br /> the employee shall be so notified before the end of such <br /> period. <br /> D. CREDIT FOR BENEFITS DURING PROBATIONARY PERIOD. During the <br /> probationary period an employee will receive paid holidays. <br /> Upon successful completion of a probationary period, an <br /> employee's service credit for the purpose of computing <br /> benefits hereunder shall be determined from the commencement <br /> of his probationary employment. After 6 months (180) days of <br /> continuous service, a newly hired probationary employee will <br /> be entitled to use sick leave accrued from the date of <br /> employment. Newly appointed employees will accrue vacation <br /> leave during the probationary period and will be eligible to <br /> use accrued vacation leave after one year of continuous <br /> service. This provision does not apply to employees serving <br /> a probationary period following promotion. Group insurance <br /> benefits shall start in accordance with any waiting periods <br /> designated by the group insurance carrier. <br /> SECTION 19.7 POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN. <br /> A. ESTABLISHMENT. The Council shall establish and maintain a <br /> position classification plan for all positions covered by the <br />. provisions of this chapter. All positions shall be grouped <br /> in classes having a definite range of difficulty and <br /> responsibility. For each class of position there shall be: <br /> a class title description of the duties of positions within a <br /> class; a written nature of the work and the relative <br /> responsibility of the positions in the class, examples or <br /> work which are illustrative of duties of positions allocated <br /> to the class, requirements as to knowledge, ability and <br /> skills necessary for performance of the work and a statement <br /> of job-relevant qualifications necessary for recruitment into <br /> the class. Minimum jOb-relevant requirements may be added <br /> for any position. <br /> B. ALLOCATION. When a new position is created for which no <br /> appropriate class exists or when the duties of an existing <br /> position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate <br /> class exists, the City Administrator shall create a new class <br /> and shall cause an appropriate class specification to be <br /> submitted to the Council for approval. <br /> C. PLAN REVIEW. As often as is necessary to assure continued <br /> correct classification, the position classification plan <br /> shall be reviewed by the City Administrator and necessary <br /> adjustments shall be made subject to Council approval. <br />. D. FILING OF PLAN. The position classification plan shall be <br /> filed by the city Administrator. The plan so filed and <br /> subsequently adjusted, shall have the same effect as though <br /> it were a part of this chapter. <br /> -6- <br /> I <br /> -.--- <br />