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<br />Page Th~0e <br /> <br />Minutes or Regula~ Council Meeting <br /> <br />Sept. 13, 1965 <br /> <br />Liquor Ordinance Study <br />Mr. Read Informed the Council that discussions had beeri held wlt~ th2 <br />Village of Shorevlew and licensees of Arden, Hills. M~. Read ~epol"-i-ed <br />that the Committee suggested that the fee be'based on the squa~e foot <br />ar0B (wal I to wal I) where I Iquo~ Is served or consumed; any furt~a~ : <br />consideratlln wll I have to walt for the area flgu~es to be submlttei~ <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney stated that he believes that such an ordinance would have <br />to state that the area figures would be confirmed by the Council. <br /> <br />. ,'1", Read believed the ordinance should provide for -the taking of pIctures <br />of the areas for verification that Ilquo~ Is being consumed In that <br />specific area. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE NETHERCUT <br />Planning Cqmmlsslon MeetlRg <br />Trustee Nethercut reported that the Planning Commission oequests a <br />replacement for Dr. Bjorndahl and also wiSh this parson to be a I lalson <br />between the Pa~ks and Recreation Committee and the P~annlng CommissIon. <br />The ~ommlsslon felt th~t this appointment should not Include a cheir~~n- <br />ship; however, the obl igatlons at this point ~ra not as great as durIng <br />'j'he 701 PIOln studies. Trustee Bjo~ndahl In'roriT3d H'8 Council 'thai' he <br />felt that when the Parks and Recreation CommIttee agreB on 10lnd Bcqulsla <br />tlon, It should be,brought to,the Planning CommissIon fo~ their consider- <br />ation before being presented to 'rile Council. Mayor Kennody agreed. <br /> <br />Trustee Netilercut reported that the Commlsslcn was satisfied with the <br />Council action taken concerning the Twin 'City Trailer P<lrk, bui- recommend, <br />ed that the Councfl take further action and prohibit any further expanslol <br />CouncIl requested the Clerk to write to Mr. KosslOlk -j'o In-ro~m him that <br />the present Council has no Intention of grantIng any fu~ther expansIon <br />requests. <br /> <br />Civic Center Committee <br />Mayor Kennedy Informed the Council that he beileves that a Committee of <br />three would be sufficient] he felt thtat representation from the PIOlnnlng <br />Commlsslon,'the Parks and RecreatIon Committee and the Council could <br />handle this matter. He requetted recommendBtlons f~om these committees. <br /> <br />Ne~1 Industry, <br />The Planning Commission ,recommended that the Village send 6 lette~ of <br />welcome and/or appreciation to companlese who hOlV. or plOln to build In <br />the Village. M,yor Kennedy Oluthorlzed the Cl~rk to compose letter~ for <br />his slg~ature; these letters to be sent to Roberts Construction Co., <br />R. ~. Gould Company and Blackbourn Systems, Ind. ~nd Biackbourn Binding, <br />Inc. ' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Malntena5ce Bulld,lng <br />Trustee Bjorndahl Informed the Council that Mo. De Coster Is agreeable <br />to having the VIJlage maintenance, building located as proposed, but <br />would like verification to enable"him to proceed with his plans. T~ustee <br />NetlJercut suggested, 600 the COline I lagree'd, that the matterge referred <br />to the Public Works Comml~t~e for study of maintenance needs. Mayor <br />Kennedy requeste-d the C'lerk to consult with Trustee ,Oimen. Truste.. <br />BJorndahl stated that this cost could be Included In the proposed bond <br />Issue. . , <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Trqstee Crepeau reporte4 that the proposed Fire arms Ordlaance and motor <br />bike Ordinance are still being studied. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHL <br /> <br />Playground Drainage Matter <br />Trustee Bjorodahl Informed the Council that the County has straightened <br />out'the Intersection at County Road F and Hwy. ~! and believes that the <br />,ralnij9A problem ~t the ~Iayground should be remedied this season. <br />-. ~.~ . ' <br /> <br />-3- <br />