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<br />, . <br /> <br />Page Five <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Gounci& Meeting <br /> <br />Au/7" 30, 19t:J5 <br /> <br />Unethical Real ~state Metter <br />Atty, Salland reported on a letter w;,lch had been l'ef'el'l'ed to <br />him by (jlerk L rr!llne stromquist from e reel'by firm who recyest;ed <br />tHat the Villa' e refuse to issue a building permit to 'ohe purchaser <br />of property in Arden Hills unethically. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Atty. Sellend l'eco;,.mended th!lt the Vi:'lege consider tnis a private <br />matter; Council referred the matter to the Cler,{ to so in 1'01'1., the <br />realty firm. <br /> <br />Liquor Fees <br />ma:ior Ke ,nedy requested Atty. Courtney to repor't on his .flndin, s <br />01' his study of liquor licensing; Mayor felt that tile first read- <br />ing of a ,revised ordinanae on this matter should be r;i ven the latter <br />part of Septewber. <br /> <br />M!lyor ICe nedy revorted that a survey on private and Dl1J.nicipal on <br />and off sale licenses by the Leaeue of Minn' L'ota Municipalities hrld <br />been made and pUbliShed. He requested the Finance CO~illlittee ~nd <br />Treas. Worth G. Read to study both methods. <br /> <br />RKPOhT 01' ENGR. LUND <br /> <br />Oak Avenue Problem <br />~ngr, Lund reported that he and trustee Cl'epea! had met at the <br />Hvidsten property on Oak AVenue to view the unsatisfactory grad~ <br />ing of their property to the street by the road contr!lctor. It <br />was agreed that the steep ['rade made mowing impossible, but to <br />regrade the slope to its original r;rrde co~'ld Cause 'Ghe bss of <br />trees. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter from Bnchman Landscaping <br />to Bngr, Hendrickson stating their solution to the problem would <br />be to ereQt a 60 ft. long by 3 ft. high dry wall at a cost of <br />$702.00. hngr. Lund explained that the road contrRctor has re- <br />tained ;VIOO-125 for the sodding of tl1i~ pl'operty which cOl;ld be <br />used for b~ckfilling behind the wall and the necessary sodding. <br />Bachman Co. felt that at least one of the trees appeared to be <br />a loss. <br /> <br />hngr. Lund recoli~ended a cash settlement which would permit the <br />Hvidstens to make the decision and llould also absolve the Village <br />from any further claiu,s. Major Kennedy was agreeable to this <br />and suegested a payment of $525.00, figuring that possibly a lower <br />estimate could be obtained, if this metnod wes their decision. <br />Matter relferred to l!:ngr. Lund and Trustee Crepl'au to consult with <br />the Hvidstsns. <br /> <br />ItEPORT OF THUSTEE lolhTI-{1!:RCUT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Plannin~ Comm~ssion <br />Trustee Nethercut requested the appointment of a replacement for <br />Dr, Bjorndahl on the Planning COlumission. Meyor Ke ,nedy stated <br />that he felt a replacement is not necessary since the 701 Plan is <br />completed Rnd there is no further need for a liaison between the <br />Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Committee. <br /> <br />Pa~s and Playgrounds AP~ointment <br />Mayor Kennedy recommende and the Council agreed that Holger Lag~= <br />strom, member of the ~arks and hecreation COLmittee, be appointed <br />to replace Dr. Bjorndahl aa Ghairma: of that Gorumi ttee, <br /> <br />hBPOHT OF' TRUSTB~ CREPEAU <br /> <br />Johanna Beach Mattera <br />Trustee C~epeau reported that neighborhood complaints of teenage <br />bands causing disturbances was handled by permitting the bands to <br />play at the beach from 7 - 9 p.m. under supervision. However, he <br /> <br />-5- <br />