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<br /> , <br /> . CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MJKIWmUM <br /> Dld'E : February 6, 1992 <br /> TO: Gary R. Bergerl city 1ldmini.strator <br /> FRCM: catherine J. Iagol Deputy clerk/ZOning 1ldmini.strator <br /> SUBJECT: Request to Hire Recording Secretary <br /> As per our discussions regarding the possibility of hiring a recording <br /> secretary, I have contacted a secretarial service and an individual who <br /> presently serves as a recording secretary to two cities. Attached are <br /> two price quotes for this service. <br /> As you !mow, the work load at city Hall has in=eased substantially and <br /> several new duties and projects have been assigned to my position, Le.; <br /> improvements/assessments, records retention, editing newsletter and <br /> duties as assigned by the city Administrator. Also, this year an <br /> additional election will J:e conducted. <br /> . 'The hiring of a recording secretary would afford me J:etter use of t:iJne <br /> to complete daily work projects, complete background research on <br /> planning items and computerize planning information, and draft legal <br /> doc:uments for review by the city AttoITley (Le.; Special Use permits and <br /> Legal Publications), which would reduce utilization of consultant t:iJne. <br /> 'There are two Council meetings per month averaging 2.5 hours per <br /> meeting . Approximately 8 to 10 pages of minutes are COIIpJSed after each <br /> meeting and analysis of my t:iJne shows that approxlinately 16-20 hours per <br /> week are used to complete one set of minutes, due to interruptions and <br /> other work duties. 'The recording secretary would attend the meeting, <br /> record minutes and prepare a draft and finalized d=ument by the Friday <br /> following the meeting date. <br /> Quotes received are as follows: <br /> Northern Counties Secretarial Services is $21. 00 per our <br /> plus 1/2 hour travel t:iJne and $9.50 per page for finalized <br /> minutes. (Average per meeting cost would J:e $120 - $140). <br /> Sharla Foster, quoted $120.00 per meeting including travel <br /> t:iJne and finalized minutes. She =ently records minutes <br /> for the City of Shoreview and Circle Pines. In checking <br /> references, I found that she is efficient and has an <br /> excellent knowledge of municipal government functions. <br /> . <br />