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<br />I <br />~ The pond on Mr. George Reiling's property is a designated wetland by a report <br /> approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District. titled the North Central Drainage <br />I Report. This pond is referred to as pond A-7a and is the ponding area for the <br />I entire area of 16.67 acres shown by Exhibit 3. <br />I Improvements within this project do not include any excavation within the <br /> existing easements comprising the Keithson Pond. An outlet can be constructed <br />I to sUfficiently drain the existing pond's storage volume. The construction of <br />I an outlet for the Keithson Pond is intended to allow runoff to drain from the <br /> pond before the water encroaches outside the pond's established easement. This <br />I will allow neighboring residents to complete landscaping of their yards. <br /> Grading work within the Keithson Pond will be minimal to install the baffled <br />I wier. so that no disruption of the wetland area or existing yards will be <br /> incurred. The Rice Creek Watershed District recommends that the existing trees <br />. and vegetation be maintained as much as possible within the wetland preservation <br />I area. <br />I The technical memorandum detailing the design features of the Keithson Pond and <br /> Reiling Pond are included in the Appendix of this feasibility study. <br />I <br />I EASEMENTS AND PERMITS <br /> The area serving as the Keithson Pond is dedicated as a ponding easement within <br />I the Keithson Addition. The easement contains all of lot 5. block 1 and a <br /> portion of lots 3. 4 and 6. block 1 which contains the homes at 4527. 4521 and <br />I 4509 Keithson Drive. This project will not disturb any of the existing pond <br />I behind these homes. The City is currently negotiating with Mr. George Reiling <br /> to obtain the necessary easements to install the storm sewer improvements and to <br />r <br /> 3 <br />I <br />