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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ES OF m:auIAR !'EETING,COUNCII, OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HlLLSDJulylOg196l <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The residents or 'the area were informed that if they so desired they should <br />~ring their complaints to Justioe of Peaoe Court on Wednesday the <br />Vlllaf:e Mall at which the owners of the Mythland Club will appear 00 <br />charges of diDtul'biog the peace, whethel' they l1ve in .!\.l"den Hills 01' not. <br />(Wednesday. July 12. 1961) <br /> <br />On Thursday night. July 13. 1961g the owners will appear in Justice of Peace <br />Court 00 charges of selling 11quo~ after hours. <br />, . <br /> <br />Mr. Weber stated that if tha Council found reason to condemn all out build- <br />ings and small cados. the owners would probably not be content with one <br />main building. This then would be one way of discouraging thai!' operation. <br />He further stated that the police cannot go into a buIlding without a search <br />warrant. To obtain this there l!Iust be proof something illegal is going on 0 <br /> <br />Dr. Walsh, Village Health Officer, stated that as long as there waX'e outsida <br />toilet facIlities the fact that. there was .,no venting of the ins'ide plumbing <br />was not reason to condemn the buildings. . <br /> <br />The Council is willing to cooperate eve~y way to find avenues to follow in <br />order to put an end to this undesirable operation. They will knol!1 more <br />perhaps as to ~at steps to take after the trials on Wednesday Qnd Thursday <br />night. . <br /> <br />. PUBLIC HEfJ.RING 1'13: Construotion of an island to cont:i:'ol t!'affic at Junction <br />of Valentine AVEI. and Valentine COUl't. <br /> <br />MR. JAII'tES THOMAS - 1655 Valentine Aveo requested the engineer to show a map <br />or the road plans for the area under discussion. He stated that 'Ghe1B1and <br />will start four feet (4') from his property line and will be in the shape <br />ofons-half' diamoild. This will be a barricade to thrcugh t:raffic on <br />Valentine Ave. and will limit Mr. Tholll9.s's aocsss to his property by Highway <br />#10 only. He tlU'tfrler states that he has been a resident of Valentln~ lUlls <br />for ten years and has had no traf'fic problems in that time. He ownal 136 feet <br />on Valentine Ave. whioh he will not even be able to usa if, this island is <br />installed but he still will have to pay hont foot assessmen'!; for the road <br />improvement. He also expressed his concern over the fact that in cutting <br />out .through traffic with use 01' the island the chlld1'en would probably have; <br />to go to Highway 1/10 toca tah their school bus. This to M1' 0 Thomas 808ms a <br />gl'ea tel' problem than that of the traffio going through. <br /> <br />MR. JOE KUDZE - 4073 Valentine Court states that he lins on the opposibs <br />side of the island which means he would have aocess only by County Rood rlFn <br />but this fact does not bother him. <br /> <br />MR. ANTONELLO - 4054 Valentine Court states that he can get out either <br />d11'ection even with the construction of the Island. He is not strongly for <br />or against the island. He WflS under the impression the island was a com- <br />.promise s1tuation between the residents who wanted ths road closed altogether <br />and those who wflnted nothing at all in the way ot an ob~tl'Uct1on. Ha f\.u'thsl' <br />stated that he felt the roads not originally laid out 1."or thl'ough <br />traffio and so mayllDe it should be stopped. <br /> <br />MR. ROBERr G. DAVIS, 4060 Valent1ne Court states that hei\ocated on Valentine <br />Court and will be able to go either way even with the island. However" hG <br />understands the prOblem and if people are going to be lnoonveoc1eocsd mayb~ <br />t:M i!:!lnnn J3'l-\^'11;:a hA 1o<P+': """P- <br />