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<br />. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF REGUL.!\.R MEE'"llNCI.COONCIL OF VILIAGE .oF A.ffDEN HlLUJ, July 2001961 <br />Page ;5 <br /> <br />MR. KUNZE - 4073 Valentine Court emphasized 'Gha tl'sff'ic prohls!1I by stating <br />that one day he bad kept trBck and therewera'gr.a~el trucks going by st the <br />rate of: eV6%'y ten milIl1tas all day. <br /> <br />MR. B. J. IAC!iOW]l'ZER, 4040 Highway #10>> states he 1s a neighbor across the <br />highway from all of this and ~~.isltuxl1.'1ill 1n no wsy affect him but he <br />bas listened to his neighbol" tall,( about it and he bad this to offer: SI <br />"maybe when the oonstruction wOl'~'on Hlghway #10 is completed, traffic will <br />straighten out and the problem.w1l1 lessen in Valentins Hills. <br />.. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />JOHN MARCHAND, 1695 Valentine Ave. suggestsd that Mr. Kunze i'uns a very f:ine <br />school but that the sohool children go too fast to and f'l'om sohool using <br />Valentine Ave. as a oounty road.' . The ohurch tl'affic f:rom st. Johns also <br />. use this avenue so why not turn it! Qve~ to the county and let it be used <br />as a county road and have the oountybear expenses on its upkeep. <br /> <br />MRS.Ln,DQUIST, 4030 Valentine court, stated that in the winter When ice <br />and snow oollect on the streets thei go out on Highway fllO. If they try to <br />go out by County Road "FD there is a rise by Kunze's home that iaenough <br />to stall trucks. eto.. thus snarling traffic. She favors leaving out the <br />island putting up signs to slow traffic or using UNo Thoroughfal'GII signa <br />Qnd also have a squad car there at heavy traffio times to warn the violators. <br /> <br />JIM TnOMAS~ If:i55 Valentine Court asked if the Council had approached the <br />county as yet re: putting up signs at County Road Ifp" and Highway #10. <br /> <br />Il\WRENCE KINPORTS. 1645 Valentine Ave. stated that a lot of cars now misa <br />the turn a t Highway !fl00 because of the construction work and then turn in <br />to Valentins.Ave to go through to New Brighton. Th~s too. should be straif,ht- <br />aned out when construction work is completed. <br /> <br />MRS.JADES THOMAS. 1655 Valentine Court states that they have five children <br />and have lived in Valentine Hills ten years and have always sllowe~ their <br />children to Cl.'osa the roadao she teels tllere is no thx'ough traffic probllilm. <br /> <br />JIM THOMAS, 1655 Valentine COlU't atated that at the last oouncil meeting h<il <br />had a.~ked the Villago Attorney for a legal opinion on this and the s'i;torney <br />stated that the aouncil 1s morally bound to go along with on~ objeoti~n if <br />1t is sound <br /> <br />MR. KUNZE. 4073 Valentine Court atated that Mr. Thomas livEls way back off <br />the l'oad but that he li.ves only twenty feet from the road and that 1s why <br />the traffiO bothers him more. . <br /> <br />MRS. ROY HAWKINSON. 4036 Valentine Court asked if a sign with a speed limit <br />could be posted. . <br /> <br />!IlR. MARCHAND~ 1695 Valenti. ne4VElo. asked if a slgn "No Thoroughfare" could <br />be put up and ha ve a squad CSl' there B few times warning viole. tors. <br /> <br />MAYOR ASHBACH stated ,that kLnd of a sign cannot be put upaa it is a <br />public roado <br /> <br />MRSo ROY HAWKINSON, 4038 Valentina Court 1s concerned with their ability <br />to get up the hill in the wintertime if snow is piled up in a t~iangla on <br />the island thus slowing downthell:' run for the hill. <br /> <br />. <br />