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<br /> Planning Calmi.ssion Meeting 5 7-01-92 <br /> ~ #92-06 (OONr'D) <br /> . 7. Employees and other long-term parkers be required to park in the <br /> leased restaurant parking lot, and that no parking of damaged <br /> vehicles, unlicensed vehicles of inoperable vehicles be allowed in <br /> this lot beyond a 24-hour period. <br /> 8. The station operators control the queue to the carwash on the <br /> station site and that no such queue be allowed in public streets. <br /> 9. That the station operators protect the traffic safety on County <br /> Road E fram hazardous conditions resulting from water dripping <br /> from cars leaving the carwash. <br /> 10. That the trash enclosure doors be shut at all tiroes except when <br /> loacpng or unloading trash. <br /> ,(, - ~(.- f-.~ l' ted 11 part' . led t te 't' <br /> Wrn~ ~ conp llIleI1 a ~es ll1VO v 0 =ea a pos~ ~ve <br /> option that satisfies the concerns of the Commission and Amoco oil <br /> Corrq:lany. <br /> Chair: Probst asked if there were any other questions or camments. <br /> Hearing no response, the public hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m. <br /> Acting Clerk Administrator Iago stated Attorney Filla had two issues to <br /> be addressed: proof of the lease for parking, and title for the <br /> property. She also stated Attorney Filla would like to view the <br /> documents prior to the July 13 Council meeting. <br /> . Ted Brauson, OWner of the Amoco station and the Architect, Harry <br /> Schroeder, stated they would conply with the request of Attorney Filla. <br /> if- piotrowski questioned the Applicant how thee,Will be controlled to <br /> avoid traffic congestion on County Road E. <br /> ~ 1/ Mr. Schroeder stated in the event traffic appears to backup, the <br /> Attendant will advise the driver to return at a later date and issue a <br /> ~-- raincheck ticket which is valid up to seven days. <br /> Chair Probst asked if there were any questions or comments from the <br /> floor. <br /> winiecki moved, seconded by Carlson that Commission <br /> reconunend to Council approval of Case #92-06, SUP with Variances, 1306 <br /> W. Co. Road, E, Amoco oil Cclrrpany, the plans dated July 1, 1992, with <br /> the 10 conditions listed in the Planners recarmnendation and the 11th <br /> condition to show proof of lease for parking and title for the property <br /> to the Attorney prior to July 13 Council meeting. Motion =ied <br /> unanimously. (5-0) <br /> alSE #92-12: MIN:JR SUBDIVIBIClN/rm SPLIT. 4251 FERNiiOOD AVENUE N:lRTH. ALPO PET <br /> FOCIJS (MIRE NElS'l'RCH. GR1lND MET) <br /> Planner Bergly reviewed his report of July 1, 1992, relating to Minor <br /> SUbdivision/Lot Split at the Alpo Site, 4251 Fernwood Avenue North, Alpo <br /> Pet Foods (Mike Nordstrom, Grand Met) . <br /> . Bergly explained that the Applicant proposes to divide a 14.88 a=e <br /> tract into two parcels. Both parcels have frcntage only on Fernwood <br /> Avenue on the east and back onto a City Trail. Parcel A contains the <br /> Alpo Pet Food operation and Parcel B is vacant. <br /> ---...- <br />