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<br /> ------ <br />Arden Hills Council 10 August 31, 1992 . <br />Councilmember Hicks asked about the accuracy of <br />topographical maps. Graham stated that in his experience <br />they are very accurate and it is common to determine <br />drainage using topographical maps, which is what was done in <br />this case. Hicks asked how costly it would be to survey <br />each individual property involved. Graham said surveying <br />would likely cost about $100 per hour, so it would be quit e <br />expensive to survey all properties. <br />Councilmember Malone thanked City Attorney Filla and the <br />residents for patiently working through the hearing this <br />evening on this complex, multi-faceted Issue. He asked <br />Graham if the catch basin in the street was actually moved <br />as reported this evening by residents. Graham stated he was <br />not aware of that until this evening. Ron Nelson and Ron <br />Horwath stated that the catch basin was moved from the <br />Crimmins driveway area to a location by the pond. Nelson <br />said streets were paved in July 1987 when he moved in to his <br />home. <br />Councilmember Mahowald said he ' . that everyone has <br /> appreCJaces <br />toned down discussions this evening. He apologized for the <br />Summary and Response document not being sent out to <br />residents as instructed. He stated that the City lS . <br />accepting a large portion of responsibility for this project <br />by accepting the lion's share of project costs; it would <br />have been easier to accept 100% of costs, but it would not <br />be fair to the general taxpayer to do so. He said the City <br />has been seeking a solution since this matter came to the <br />forefront and he understands that assessed residents may not <br />be satisfied with being assessed, but the assessments are <br />appropriate. <br />MOTION: Hicks moved, seconded by Mahowald, to adopt Resolution <br /> No. 92 - 41 Adopting the Final Assessment Roll for the <br /> 1992 Keithson Area Pond Improvement, with assessments <br /> as established by Council on July 13, 1992 as follows: <br /> tJ.sse::.,srnents are to be run over a Ii ve year period and <br /> calculated on the basis of 100% being equal to $1,500 <br /> per lot, <br /> lOO~. benefi t ($1/500 assessment) to lots '.' <br /> WI (~..i. <br /> addJcesses 4527 , 4521, 4509, 4503 Keithson Drive; <br /> 509,:. benefit ($750 asst=':ssment) to lots with <br /> addresses 4504, 45101 4516, 4522, 4528, 4534, 4539 <br /> Kej ~-- :1:::; OJl Dricv~ .: <br /> 2596 benefi t ($375 ~C'C'~c<'='meD+') to lot 'wi th adclr es s <br /> --:l._-~'G,_''-'. . ll- <br /> 4540 Keithson Drive, <br /> Motion carried unanimously (5 ,0) , <br /> . <br />