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MnDCT seasonal adjustment factors were reviewed, with most of the roadways being classified as High <br />Weekday/Commuter roads. Counts Taken on Tuesdays and Thursdays in March both represent typical <br />weekdays, with net adjustment factors of 1.01 and 0.97, respectively. Based on this, the collected traffic <br />data is anticipated to be a good representation of a typical weekday and no seasonal adjustment factor <br />was applied. <br />The AM peak hour of the network was determined to be 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM while the network PM peak <br />hour was determined to be 4:15 to 5:15 PM. Exhibit 3 provides a summary of the 2023 Existing weekday <br />AM and PM peak hour turning movement volumes. <br />4.1 FUTURE BASELINE GEOMETRY AND INTERSECTION CONTROL <br />Similar to the 2014 AUAR traffic analysis, some baseline conditions are assumed to be in place for all build <br />scenarios. The only intersection with changes of geometry for the opening of the TCAAP site is the CSAH <br />96 & North Heights/TCAAP South Access intersection. The same baseline geometry that was assumed for <br />the 2014 traffic analysis was utilized for this traffic analysis. The improvements include: <br />• Signal installed at CSAH 96 & Northern Heights/TCAAP South Access. <br />• Dual eastbound left turn lanes installed. (Already built but would need to be striped) <br />• Westbound right turn lane installed. (Already built but would need to be striped) <br />• Southbound approach is assumed to include dual left turn lanes, a through lane, and a right turn <br />lane. <br />No further improvements from the existing geometry are anticipated at any of the study area <br />intersections. The future build scenario baseline geometry and intersection control is shown in Exhibit 4. <br />4.2 FUTURE TRAFFIC FORECASTING <br />Background traffic volumes were developed for the study intersections during the weekday AM and PM <br />peak hours for the 2040 No -Build traffic conditions. The following provides a summary of the background <br />volume development. <br />Based on a review of the Metropolitan Council traffic forecasts included in the Arden Hills 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan, daily traffic growth is anticipated to be relatively low, with the majority of growth <br />anticipated likely being due to the TCAAP redevelopment. Table 4 below shows the AADTs from 2015 <br />(existing year of the Metropolitan Council forecasts), the AADTs from 2040, and the implied growth rate. <br />TCAAP AUAR Update I Traffic Analysis <br />April 2024 <br />