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<br /> --- --- - - - . -- .- . - - ------~ ------------- <br /> . Franchising will not slow development of the infonnation superhighway; on the <br /> contrary, localities welcome competition and can expeditiously authorize new . <br /> entrants . <br /> . Only local franchising can address each community's unique interests; <br /> nationalizing requirements like PEG access cannot reflect the diversity of the <br /> country's communities. <br /> . Franchising delivers to the public appropriate benefits for use of its property and <br /> allows local officials to assure adequate customer service. <br /> . If communities are to participate in the infonnation superhighway, local officials <br /> must playa meaningful role. <br /> . Telco competition to cable is consistent with a franchising process; the federal <br /> government should not preempt local governments from protecting their <br /> communities. <br /> PLEASE ACT NOW - YOU CAN CALL OR WRITE YOUR SENATOR OR <br /> REPRESENTATIVE AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Senator Representative . <br /> The Senate The House of Representatives <br /> Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 <br /> (202) 224-3121 (202) 224-3121 <br /> The members of the House and Senate Committees with jurisdiction over the legislation are: <br /> HOJJS~: Dingell (Mich.)t Waxman (Cal.)t Sharp (Ind.), Markey (Mass.), Swift (Wash.), <br /> Collins (ill.), Synar (Okla,), Tauzin (La.), Wyden (Ore.), Hall (Tex.), Richardson (N .M.), <br /> Slattery (Kan.), Bryant (Tex.), Boucher (Va.), Cooper (Tenn.), Rowland (Ga.), Manton (N. Y.), <br /> Towns (N.Y.), Studds (Mass.), Lehman (Cal.), Pallone, Jr. (N.J.), Washington (Tex.), Schenk <br /> (Cal.), Brown (Ohio), Kreidler (Wash.), Margolies-Mezvinsky (pa.), Lambert (Ark), Moorhead <br /> (Cat.), Bliley (Va.), Fields (Tex.), Oxley (Ohio), BiIiralds (Fla.), Schaefer (Col.), Barton <br /> (Tex.), McMillan (N.C.), Hastert (111.), Upton (Mich.), Stearns (Fla.), Paxon (N.Y.), Gillmor <br /> (Ohio), Kiug (Wis.), Franks (Conn.), Greenwood (pa.), Crapo (Idaho). <br /> SENATE: Hollings (S.C.), Inouye (Haw.), Ford (Ky.), Exon (Neb.), Rockefeller (W.V.), <br /> Kerry (Mass.), Breaux (La.), Bryan (Nev.), Robb (Va.), Dorgan (N.D.), Mathews (Tenn.), <br /> Danforth (Mo.), Packwood (Ore.), Pressler (S.D.), Stevens (Alas.), McCain (Ariz.), Burns <br /> (Mont.), Gorton (Wash.), Lott (Miss.), Hutchinson (Tex.). <br /> PLEASE ACT NOW -IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT THAT ELECTED OFFICIALS . <br /> FROM YOUR COMMUNITY HAVE INPUT TO THE CONGRESSIONAL PROCESS AS <br /> SOON AS POSSmLE. <br />