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<br />. CITY OF ARDEN HILlS <br />MB'>ORANCUVl <br /> <br />DATE: July 1, 1994 <br />W: @ J):)rothy A. Person, City 1\dmi.nistrator <br />FRQVl: l1Jl Te=ance Post, City Accountant <br />SOBJE: June 1994 cperating Results Ccmrentary <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />GENERAL FUND: <br /> <br />Revenue : <br /> <br />a. $ 9 2 7 , 122 in prcperty tax revenue was accrued as taxes <br />receivable (settlement will be 7/5/94). While collections <br />appear st~ against l::udJet, (55%), I am apprehensive that, <br />as the ccmrercial/industrial appeal backlog is \\OTked off, <br />paid abatements will erode this positive variance. <br /> <br />b. June was a strang llOIlth for license/pennit revenue. $33,664 <br />. was credited to b..1ildin;J permits, ($26,582 for OXtage Villas) <br />and the balances of third quarter liquor license fees were <br />received ($6,600). <br /> <br />c. Intergovernrrental :revenue is only 9% of budget because HACA, <br />($95,345) and Firerran's Relief Aid ($105,000) distributions <br />have not yet been made by the State of Minnesota. <br /> <br />d. Fines and Forfeits revenue only reflects OJunty collections <br />received through May, (5 llOIlths). On a "nm rate" basis, <br />revenue is approx:i.nately 47% of budget rather than the 39% <br />shown. <br /> <br />Expenditures: <br /> <br />a. $5,021 was charged to the M3.yor/Council departlrent budget in <br />June for newsletter writing/editing, ($1,869), and printing, <br />($3,152) costs. <br /> <br />b. The Administrative Office department budget contains $5,846 in <br />year-to-date tenp:lrary clerical costs. There is a <br />con:esponding :recluctim in full-ti1re salary costs for the same <br />pericxi. <br /> <br />c. The Administrative Office has incurred 100% of annual ~es <br />. for insurance and capital items. Pro-rating these costs for <br /> <br />1 <br />