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<br /> 612 3713 1378 P.10.'11 <br /> I f'lUG-01-1995 16:51 BPW <br /> . - <br /> I. We. al8o. un~d l"-t there once was an ~I village somewmete on the Arden Hills <br /> aite, As _II as, there were burial mounds and may still be burial mounds on the site. We ~uld <br /> I wanl to sea IheH prlll8cted. <br /> We are told there are 14 hou8e$ on the site. wIlic:h were used up unW the last few years. <br /> Housing Is our lop priority, It is the desire of triblll me~rs that at any location there is an <br /> I opportunity 10 build a new community of tribal m.mb..... Thill site is large ~h 10 begin that <br /> proc;ess. <br /> The intent of l/'le CClI1lnIUniIy is to maintain tile 8illisting community arxl bu&iness on the island, <br /> I because we have elders and Others who have lived Ilera aJllheir lives and WIll nat move. The <br /> eJ<isting community and a new community wOUld be governec:t by a single QOYemment <br /> I A$ previously mentioned a ctlerler Sd'IooI will be llp8tl84 this fall. The long tenn goals for <br /> education include development or an institution of higher leaming or collaboration with other <br /> Native America tribes to aeate a new college or craete branc:h classrooms wilh oIher c:oJlegas. <br /> The sile at Arden Hills would provide the space for SUCh development. <br /> I Economic developmem is another priority. Any development of bI.Is;ness and il1clU$l!y on ltle <br /> Arden Hills site woUld leke into conslclerallon ltle c:ondiliot1s of !/'Ie sile ~ tile SlJrrounding area <br /> of the site. As a so""reign nation, we have our ~ lain and tribal c:ourt. HoNe.oer. we have <br /> I always been companion and conacious of our neig/lbclrs, wt'\oevar they may be. The townshiP. <br /> CCll.Inty. municipal end state otrlCi81s who have dealt with l.lS el our present 10000lion know first <br /> hand the type of neighbors - Ill'lI and tne positive impac:l_ have had in 1tleir jurisdictions. <br /> I The COnstruc:lion and operatiOn of a casino on /he site is a ,..1 possibility. CreelIng a who'- new <br /> community requir8l; infrastructure llnd resources to Share with surrounding township. county, <br /> I- munleipal and stale enlitln. A easino \IlIOUld provide Itle 8dcIitional revenues needed to develop <br /> the site. If the Community pursues this option, there is a solid process in place through the <br /> indian Gaming Reguletory Ad to permit c:omment by aI' atrec:ted parti... <br /> In summary. were the Community able to have the Arden Hills Site, it -"10 develop a solid <br /> I development plan laking into conaiderations tile myriad of factors Impacting tile site. With the <br /> Intent of ultimalaly creating a heallhy, safe and self-sufflc:lanl community for Ita tl'illal members <br /> that wilf be II gOOd ne~r to the surround'ng COIllIIlUMJ... <br /> I SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS INVOLVING THE SURROUNDING ARIA: <br /> The Community's propcged ul8g8 of the facilities 8Ild Ilnd will not 8dvat 881y affect the <br /> I surrounding area or neighbomood, If a casino were 10 De built, depending on ils size It CCll.Ild <br /> create several thousand ~ for the erea. These jObS WOUld be a Shot or revenue into the <br /> surrounding communities. As nct~ eertier. it Is proven UIallhe unemployment rate and welfare <br /> I usage rale gO down nelllr a casino in Minnesota. The stat. and federal government receives <br /> more tax revenue ltlrough payroll and emplcymentlaxes. <br /> Futtner, tile Community previOUSly and woUld c:ontinue to dislTibula a perr:entage of gaming <br /> I revenue to the surrounding municipalities pursuant to the Indian Gaming RegLllalory Act. Willi <br /> regllfd to sen.ic::es suc:h liS fire. water, _r and police projection, the CClITIII1Unity haa In the <br /> PIIII "III'eh8S8<I equiprl\ent 10 c:ontribllle toward lI1ese service$ and WOlIkl =nsider appr.oprl4te <br /> ilgr..",enl$ for Suc:h services. <br /> I We recognize thaI there may need for open BpllC8S and Ala88tlon areas 8nd 'MlUId be WIlling to <br /> melnlaln IInd clevelop suc:n areas for both the new _unity and tile use of the surroUnding <br /> I <br /> .- s <br /> I <br />