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<br /> 612 370 1378 P .11/11 <br /> HUG-01-1995 16:51 BRlJ <br /> I ..,., <br /> /~ <br /> --,,- <br /> I. COmmunities. This sile will provide an unique Oppottunity for pertMrW1lpa W1d c:ooperalive <br /> efforts between Native Americans, stale ancllocal officials and SUITllUfldlng communities. <br /> I The Community will be tBaChing out 10 the surrounding communities rvganfing the site lIS time <br /> goes by. <br /> I PLANNeD MODERNIZATION AND/OR UPGRADES TO THE FACILITIES; <br /> At this time the Community has no ,*"s for lI/IY conslrUCllOn or renovstion d the site. When it is <br /> I cl..r which paresIs ere .-.ailable and tile condi~ I/OlInd the parcels are identified, then <br /> construction or renovation may be appropnaje. <br /> FUNElINCl; TO OPERATe AND MAINTAIN "ACILI11ES: <br /> I The Community will provide the funding to make any significant changes through the use of <br /> revenues derived from existing gaming llperlIlions, e.g. bingo nail, casino, smoke -"cp. Further <br /> revenues would be raiSed from a c:asino On the site, if necessaty. The Community also I'Ias an <br /> I additiooal funding source, i.e. the Indian Tribal Tax Status Ad, which allows fha Community to <br /> generate income for infrastructure imptovemenlS on projects through the issuance of Tax Exempt <br /> Revenue Boncl8. The Bureau will be working with the Community to identlft any ~Clitional <br /> I funding requirements for this eequisition. <br /> BUREAU P.L '~CONTRACT AND GRANT FUNDING: <br /> I The Burqu provides funding 10 the Prairie lsian!~ Indian Community for tile following programs <br /> lhat are supported by P.L 93-838 contracts and gr&nts fer: <br /> I- -Education -RClSds and mainlence <br /> -AId 10 Tribal Government -Social Sel'Yie8s <br /> The Bureau's acquisition at the TWin Citlllll Army Ammunition PllItIt WOIIld enhance the Bureau's <br /> I endeavors to assist Native Americans to develop sources at revenue for SUPPOrting \he <br /> ~ ...mlc _Ifare at \he Prairie Island Indian ClllIImunity. <br /> SUMMARY: The PfOPOMd un of the Twill CiIlQ Anny Amnlun",- Plant supports the <br /> I ~lIu'e truet '"llOMlbltltl.. for enhancing the quality 0' life, to JIrOmOte economic: <br /> oPPortunlty, ctrengthenlng TrIba111GVelllment, and improving the life of Native Americana. <br /> I The Bureau will accomplish this lII08lltwougf! tile delivery of qU8lity UlVlces, nwk1t8Ining <br /> goyemrnent-tollovemrnent rel~hlp$ V111h Ih. apll1t of indIan M/f 11h1nlllnatlon. <br /> CONCLUSION: The recent 8mendmenta (P.L 101~J(_ Attachment I to the ...u.orfzing <br /> I legislation of P.L. '3-438, Indian Self-oelelmlnatlon and Education Act (see <br /> Attachment I, provldas stability ta tribal c:ontnIctOrs and grantHI lftat _ flOt clNrl, <br /> pntaent Oef_. Wilen a tribe entera Into . P.L. 9~38 connel or gl'llnt. the Government <br /> I fully -*nawtedges the govemment-to1Joveml'Mnt rel8l1anahip and elands ntady to _let <br /> lhe Indian tribe ehould neecI teclutlC8f 8Aistance Of advice. when ~ Further. the <br /> -- .......nce of ec:onomIc develoPment and \he lribe'. .....ponslbllity for administering <br /> their contracts and granttl Is the tribe'. raapoll8ibllhy. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> .- S <br /> TOTAl.. P.ll <br /> . <br />