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<br />;:>90 <br /> <br />Mr. Winfrey presented the proposed budget for the Public Safety Corr~ittee. <br />This budget proposed a v.w year contract Ifith LaIce Johanna Dept. at <br />$3200.00 per year, and salary increases for Police Chief and the 3 village <br />police men. <br /> <br />Mr. jmdr~1 KMehn inquired as to whether minutes of the Village Council <br />meetings could be ~ublished in Rose Tribune. Clerk informed Mr. Koehn the <br />matter was considered at one time and cost seemed prohibitive. Mr. Bell, <br />publisher of New Brighton Bulletin offered to print report on village council <br />meetings in his paper free of charge to village. Hr. vHnfrey suggested <br />ePerhaps Rose Tribune would also do so. Clerk to check Hith Rose Tribune. <br /> <br />Hr. Donald Stecker inquired about the matter of village liquor licenses. <br />Mayor Ashbach read aquestionier made by Mr. Read. No action was taken. <br /> <br />FINANCE COIvilHTTEE: Clerk reported a balance in treasury of $16,895.00. <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFETY COHtHTTEE: Hr. Winfrey recol1unended the purchase of a squad <br />car. He is to discuss the matter with Mounds View Township officials in <br />regard to the car they have for sale. <br /> <br />Mr. Carley, Engineer, reported that the road grades for Johanna narrows as <br />submitted are satisfactory. Upon motion by Winfrey, seconded by Stromquist, <br />preliminary approval on road grades as submitted by Mr. Carley was given <br />for Johanna narrows p~. Motion passed. <br /> <br />A description tlf a public easment to West Lake Johanna was given rv:r. Carley <br />to check into. <br /> <br />MAYORS REPORT: Hr. Ashbach renorted that Mr. Bannister of Bannister <br />Engineering Company is preparing information in regard to sewer hook-up <br />requested by Arsenal offici~ls. <br /> <br />Hr. Ashbach reported the appointment of Hrs. Janet Lagerstrom as Chairman <br />of United Nations week activities for Arden Hills. <br /> <br />The 1956 annual report of the Ramsey County Nursing Service was filed with <br />clerk records. <br /> <br />A letter was read by Mayor Ashbach in regards to County ditches. <br /> <br />Upon motion by Stromquist, seconded by Ashbach, Mr. Winfrey was appointed <br />as representative for Arden Hills to the County Governmental Study Commission. <br />Hotion passed. <br /> <br />No action was tcl{en on a replacement for Trustee DeLange on the Council. <br /> <br />eMrs. Leon Sabine stated that she felt the Council should raise their present <br />salaries, as the present salaries were set up when the villa;o was originally <br />incorporated and the work and time involved is now much increased. No action <br />was taken. <br /> <br />Clerk was requBsted to put a notice in Rose Tribune announcing the need for <br />anew Building Inspector. Applications to be sent to Dr. Hoyt before <br />September 15. <br /> <br />CLSRKS REPORT: The minutes of the last Board of Appeals meeting as submitted <br />by Chairman-Mrs. steinkraus were presented to council members. Hrs. <br />