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<br />l <br />I' <br />I. <br />Ii <br />I <br /> <br />i.l <br /> <br />Ii <br />I' <br />Ii <br />II lI!Ill!:P.E.AS, . Petltlem .. abUtUne proper~ Cllna'S .. bIn\otClft tsled <br />ilwttb W. CotIIcU pun..u. to the prorislem. of Sectlcm 412.6S1 .fIt tM 194$ <br />1 l'Unnuotla StlatuW$ as ~, nque.t~ the vac:atlon of the portion ot the <br />I'oed htlnlnatta' ntand to, and <br />I' laWlllAS. ........t to a Rt:lOlutlon,of Ws Council datAlcl ~ 23, <br />19$9, .-lbbed IIIld poetednotlee .. dla1:r glwn ot a pubUc hear... to be <br />i held ~on em th8 30tb _ ot Klarch, 19$9, at 8.00 o'clOC1\ p.a. at tbe <br />I, AgQJ." Met-Ingot tbI Council, ..Id notice bevlng b4clglwn purstant to the <br />!i pl'OvhlCll\ of ..Id .tatute, _ <br />I <br />I, <br />'I \ffmEAS, ..Id .....Ing - l:leen duly hdd . all s~ tor GIld <br />I, lIalft1\ said vac::atlan .bave boen be..d &at du~ oonsldn'ed by the Cow\CU, <br />,I <br />Ii <br />:1 <br />II <br />II <br /> <br />SI'A'n: CI' MlIlBSOfA <br />00'l1IIm' CI' 1WISaY. <br />v:twQECI' Afl1Q' H1US <br /> <br />1DI1'Hi:1lEFORE, upon IllOtlon !'l!Ilde by TNtltee Ke~, seccndc<lby <br />Trust.. Cs..~u, ".paeacad vltb ra. 'W>td In Ita twor and none egelMt, <br />It I. . <br /> <br />flI::.'5Ol.WD, tbIIt It 'I, J I . In the Intent.t of the f\lbllc to ~te <br />the to.1lOldng dae:rlbed portlcn of G1enarden Road, as tM _ <br />.....n on the plet of Arden Hill. Wo. 2, In the office of the I <br />"-glatnr of flU.. of ~ CounW, IBid pQrtlCll\ being descrlbedj <br />as follow,tG-wltl , <br />I <br /> <br />, <br />iJ <br />I <br />,I <br /> <br />C<ll'tl8lcing at the ~t comer of Lot. I, Block 1, <br />Arden HUIs no., 2, at the point \Ibwe' the ...twl1 Une <br />ot sald Lot. 1 lntwllect.$ COWIt)' noed !. ~ proae.dlng <br />In III aoutho%'1.y dlrectlCll\ 180 teet to tIw tlClUtheut.comer <br />of ..Id Lot 1. tlwnce' east In a stntlgbt 11M to the <br />south8ost corner of lot 2, Bloc:lt 4, Arden Hill. 110. 2. <br />thence north along line of .ald Lot. 2, to the north- I <br />WIt corner of Lot 2, at Its point Qf Inter..ctlon ~th the I <br />MUtb. Ilntl of County fllllld Ii., tJlmcci wst In . .nlght Une I <br />to .the point. of ~lM111/;J, all 8CCOI'41ng to the ple.t. of Arden I <br />Hill. 110. 2 on recor<l In tbtI office of thlr Reglstnr of I <br />TUJ... of ..... Coun~, I,. <br /> <br />m, IT Jl'tJn1HE.R RI!SOLV!O. that tbtI filald d4scrlbed port.lonot Glen- <br />aroen ROlI4 be and It Itentl:ly Is VlK/8ted. <br /> <br />Bt IT Jl'tI\"l'HEIl RESOLWO, that, since the purpose 01 the ~lon <br />1s to lIIIIke the PI'"~',,.11Ib1. for tba ... u . public P1I&'- <br />!)I"CIUnd, no mva. and no eMird of 4r "98- ln tl/lllOr of the V111eg. <br />_U be .,. la connection vitti _Id vacation. <br /> <br />BE IT JI'tlIn'ftm RESOLvao. tbet the Cla'fl shall phpml and prasent <br />to the pnper Ceuft...,. officer. a naotl~ 01 cc.p1etlon of tl'lrIIe pro.. <br />aM4lngs In l'lceClll'd8nce vlth s.ctlcn 117..1901 the l'UmelOta Stat- <br />ute.. <br /> <br />,i <br />il <br />II <br />II <br />i <br />: <br /> <br />'i <br />n <br /> <br />il Detad at the Vlll. of Arden Hll18 W. 30th dI!Y of, 19S9. <br />!' <br /> <br />Ii. <br />Ii <br />" <br />Ii <br />,- <br />I! <br />Ii Att..t. <br />I~~ ~~_-'~J~~ <br />I lie E. ~ at. " . <br />L <br /> <br />r~~ <br />