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<br />l'~' <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />[I <br />" <br />'i <br />I, <br />I <br />i <br />I' <br />I, <br />" <br />II <br />, <br />Ii <br />il <br />I <br />, <br />i1 <br />:i <br /> <br />stATlS at ,.(",..~ <br />~f~ at NaT <br />. v:tU.JQlt OJ' .wa HI1J.S <br />~~ r#' ~ at VAC'A1'1CII PROCER~ <br /> <br />( ::to:=A}S; <br />I. <br />W1I'1ct 15__ OBlllf tMt the Vll1l111Q4t ~ __ RU1., In the Qa.~ <br />of JlIIIN7 _ SteM ttl MIMI'" tal CCIIIJllqted the JlIIOCftdll1lJll tOlr the VIall. <br />tlon of a portlCll of 01enlll'den Road, lIhlch portlan .. a..arlbed . t01*-. <br />t;o..vt t., <br /> <br />the description of the 1_ llftectcd b;f add wcation II cortect4' set. forth <br />Ilbcm. That this not.lce 11 given pgrlUlnt to tb8 provt.lona of Section 111.19 <br />!I of tile l'llMQota stat.ut... and putaUlftt.' to tbe RdOl_lon Of tbI CCluncll of <br />II <br />,j <br />I <br />,I <br />:i ~ <br />'1 <br /> <br />c.> nclng at. tbI'tIclI'tbJut. comer ot tot. 1, 9100'( 1. Arden <br />HU1. 10. 2. at. tMpolnt .... tM ...w~ Une ot "'<1 Lot. 1 <br />Int.enecteCou'lty Foed B, theMe proceedlllQ in . llOUtIaer~ ell.-- <br />.et.101\ 180 teet. to tIw ~..t comer of Aid ,LIlt. I. ~ <br />...tll) . Itrtllgbt. 11M to thIt 1I000t.mJelt eorner of Lot. 2. f!lloch 4. <br />Arden HIll. 10. 2, tbltncle north aloag tIw vest Une of ..Id Lot. a. <br />to tM nantMt..\ OOlMl' of Lot 2. at Its point ot ltlta't8Ctlon <br />vttb tM 80IItb llne of ~~ Rood It. tbInce wst In . .t.nllght <br />llne to tIls point of beglnnlng, 8U aocordlllliJ to the ,1.IIt of Arden <br />lUll. 10. 2 on record In the offtce of tile! Tlt.1f1$ of <br />i'lallHy COIIltv. <br /> <br />!i That ..ld proocee<Ilnp 'lImt CCIIlp1et8d on tbo 30th dlIy or IWch. 19$9. and that <br />Ii <br />!i <br />!i <br />" <br />Ii <br />II <br />Ii <br />Ii <br /> <br />Arden lUll. deted ~ 30. 19$9 In thb _two <br />OIted at taw VUlIIge of Al'd8ft ~Ua thb 30th dtl.v of _.. 1959. <br /> <br />.~a~...'. <br />. . ,.,. 6. i .';i~- <br /> <br />Ii At.tost., <br />I' <br />" <br />I: <br />Ii <br />II <br />II <br />II <br />II <br />I <br />Ii <br />ji <br />II <br />I, <br />" <br /> <br />~... ~.~~?q.I;~C <br />DI. 5 at., elm! <br /> <br />.i <br />'I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />n <br />" <br />