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<br />, <br /> <br />". <br /> <br />UDAC'I'..OI' .JkIIvT4 0'1 ftI 1IDl'_ <br />. or 'ftIII Vtu,p.G2 COUIlJC:ILOI' '1'D <br />vn.'1.a.GJI 01' M.I:lIIII R:t'(,y., <br />aMUY' COVIft'Y. IUDB80TA <br /> <br />hX'1NIlIlt t.o due call UId aoUc:e thereof. a ~ ...Ung <br /> <br />of t1he V1ll... COwacll of t1Ia Village of kden tilla. JI~"...eota, <br /> <br />wu duly hel4at the V111..,. Ball in ..14 vUl.age. on the 30th <br />day of Much. llJ5t at 7,30 O'cloak P.... <br /> <br />'1'!18 follow1ng .'--..... ware present, All. .exce~ L.B. Winfrey. <br /> <br />Truitt.., 1llbo wa. abHnt. <br /> <br />..~- ltellD.e4y inuocluee4 the follOW11l9 re-.olut1oD and. moved <br /> <br />1 ta aclopi:1onl <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ItBSOLU'l'IOX UP.ROV11IG PLI\aI8 AIID 8HClFlCATIOBl <br />AIIm. BS'l':tIaU or eoS'.!: AIID ..:rx:r~ 'tIM Al1J) >>I.A.cB <br />01'. I'USaLlC 81WWIG 011 <br />SARl'1'AltY SBMBR Dl.PROVBMBlI't 110. 1 <br /> <br />lNnIA8, pur.uant to a prev1ou. re80luUClD adopted ).)y the <br /> <br />V1llag. Coune1lo' the V111age of kc2en 8111., a ~pcct ha. been <br /> <br />prepared by Bngtnurlng """"'PUy, 1ob1ch repcct baa been <br />reee1ved by the COtIncll, and. <br /> <br />~ prel~ PlUS an4 epedflcaUOftIl have been IIac1e <br />and prepared and. fUe4 in the off1ee of the VUlap Clerk fOli/'lllM tng <br /> <br />of . Hn1t:ary 8e1llBr J.aprQ';,I..D.t in the porUM of the V111age of <br /> <br />k&m HUla ~aM4 in the follow1ng ~acr1be4 are.. <br /> <br />CO. MiftIJ at the .loIatlMlUtCoraerof the V111&ge <br />of kdea.B.1l1a,Vh1chpoint1a alao the aoutheut <br />Corner Of 8ecU.OA 'l'huty-fOU(34), 'l'oliGlah1p 'r1l1r:ty <br />(30). aan.,e '1'Wtrat.y-1:hree (23). and dW:h point 1. <br />alao theeentU' of the 1nter..c:t.J.aa of t.exlngton <br />AwnU8 IIorth .04 COWlty Il.Oa4 Df ~ DOrthHl)' <br />a1~ the center 11M of 81114 z..-".~n Avenue <br />7010' f thence. wated)' and parallel to .t.he eouth <br />11M of 8ect.1OD'J."IoIeaty..Mven. (27), ~ah1p <br />'l'but)' (30). ._rag. ':l'WJIty..three (23). approxs.&t.e:;'y <br />