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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counoil Meeting <br /> <br />Augus t 10. 1964 <br /> <br />Blnger Residenoe (oont'd) <br /> <br />Some of the reddents infoNed the Counoil that the original plans <br />had been changed. Building Inspector Clay Kelley stated that ine <br />only change was in the size of the windows facing Ingerson Road. <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist suggested that possibly the owner could be <br />persuaded to bave the windows as originally planned. if this would <br />make the structure more pleasing to the residents. <br /> <br />Jrfl's. Don French. 12Z3 Ingerson Road. inquired whether Mr. Binger had <br />been informed of the request that he not plant any large plantings <br />which might obstruct their view of the lake. Mayor Kennedy inf01'llled <br />her tha t Jrfl'. Binger was aware of this.. <br /> <br />The COWlcl1 sugges~. that the residents meet with Mr. Blnger and <br />d1acuss tbeir prob~; tbe OOWlcil does not have any oontrol on the <br />arohitecture of a bame. theretore, no action by them. <br /> <br />Water Servloe Request <br />X8Dne~ Lukaska, 312~Asbury Ave., inquired as to the status of water <br />service for the Arden Hills No.3 area, stating that this cO$Plete <br />area is halt In Arden Hills and half in Roseville. He stated his <br />dissatisfactlon or tbe 00uaol1 tor not approving water faoillties for <br />Arden Hills. Be Inquired as to the Counoil's aotlon it 50% of the <br />Arden Hilla No.3 resldents requested water sergice. Mayor Kennedy <br />explained the Water StudJ Committee's reoommendatlon and Informed <br />h1m that if a request from the residents waa .subr11tted, ine COWlol1 <br />would oonsider 1t. . <br /> <br />Texaco Statlon BulldlD, Pe1'lll1t <br />Carl ~.n, sneeh7 Cons ruotlob 00.. was present and showed plotures <br />of the proposed station to be. locavedon County Road E. Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist read the recommendatlon from the Plannlng CQmm1ssion and <br />also thB report submitted b7 Trustee Netherout. <br /> <br />- <br />Clerk Lorralne Stlromqulst moved.. seoonded b7 Trustee Olmen that the <br />bullding permit 58 approved, aa reoommended by the Planning Commission, <br />aooOl"d1ng to~ 1Ihe plans on 'file. that a vlll'lanoe be granted to allow <br />the oonstruotlon of a tr.. atanding sign not to exeeed 25 ft. In <br />he1ghth and for the slgn attaohed to the building and projeotlng not <br />more than two feet above the roof11ne; motion oarrled. <br /> <br />Texaco Station - CouDt:v Road D aDd Cleveland <br />~rustee HetherQQ1I~e report. read by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist. inrormed <br />the Council that he had oontaoted )bo. Opland. Texaco Co. Ino.. oon- <br />oerDing the inOOlllplete soreen1ng of their station at Coant7 Road, and <br />Cleveland AVeDUe. 1Ir. Opland was not of thie prOblem. but <br />_sured Mr. Netherout tbat tbili would be taken 08re of. Trustee <br />Hetherout recOJlllll8nded that Mr. Opland meet wi th the adjoining resldents. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DORALD LtJRD <br /> <br />~ound Bide <br />Eiigliieer Don Lund presented the tabalatlon of bids submitted for the <br />improvement of the plaJS1'OlUld at County Road f and Snelling Avenue. <br />Three blds .e1'8 subr11tted as tollOWll (breaJldown of bids attached): <br /> <br />B1dder <br /> <br />Total Bid <br />$ 7,908000 <br />8.230.00 <br />9.944.00 <br /> <br />R7eD Laadsoape Suppl7 00.. Ino. <br />MarVin Rabbiea Landsoaping. Ino. <br />C. W. Boule LandReaping Co.. Ino. <br /> <br />The COQDCil and the EagiMer agreed that the bids were much higher <br />than the est1mated oost. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorralne StrCllllQuist moved that the matter be referred to the <br />Wellare COlJlIIl1ttee. wUh the not1fication that their reeommendatlOIll <br />be available for the mee1l1ng of August 31. 1964. as there 1s a 30 <br />lim! t from. the date ot the bid opening in wh1ch to acoept or re jeot <br />the b1de; seoonded b:r Trustee OlmenJ IIIOt10n oarried. <br /> <br />-2"" <br />