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<br />, <br />~ <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />Fage 2 <br /> <br />Minutes of Hefular Cou ;cil i;leoting <br /> <br />2~) I"j <br /> <br />removing the car keys. and providine penalties for the violation <br />thereof; seconded by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist; motion carried. <br />Ordinance referred to the 1'olice Dept. for study. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Hif.hway Traffic Retulation Act <br />Trustee Crepeau in roduced by title and give the first reading of <br />an Ol'dinance. as drAfted by Atty. Courtney. adopting the Ilichwey <br />'1'raffic He[';\\lotion Act of the Stflte of Minnesota. as sn;ended by the <br />laws of 1903; seconded by TrUll tee Olmen; motion carried. Tills <br />adoption will el1J..ioa te our present ordinances nos. 2 and 270 <br /> <br />Hed Fox Road Proposed ImErovement <br />Atty. Gourtney informed the Gou,cil that he has not heard fromMro <br />Daubney concerning the 7 ft. eAsement to be given by ~~. Rielingo <br /> <br />EN GINliliRS ' HEPORT <br /> <br />bflrbarossa Matter <br />l>ngr. Don Lund informed the Gouncil of a request from Dsrbarossa <br />& sons which requested a breakdown of the ~145.00 which the Village <br />has requested as a reilbursement for aooitional work which had go <br />be done to mflke possible a sewer connection for a Village residence,.. <br /> <br />hEI'ORT OF BUILDING INE'P~CT()R CLJlY Ki<LLEY <br /> <br />Buildin~ Permits <br />Mr. Kel ey informed the Council that the questionable house plBns <br />discussed at a previous meeting were presented to 1"1'. dorty, Archtq <br />for recommendation. ,.11'. Horty agreed that the plan is "u,jique", <br />but not objectionable. <br /> <br />;;/r. "alley informed the Gouncil thnt Bethel College had submi ttad. <br />in erl'or. their building plans to the City of Sto Paulo Mr. ..elley <br />feels thRt since the plans do conform with the St. Paul code. they. <br />no doubt, will be acceptable to Arden Hills when submitted. <br /> <br />Uniform Building Code <br />Mr. Kelley informed the Council that he had attended meetings to <br />discuss the Uniform Building Code and recommends that Arden Hills <br />adopt it. Clerk Lorraine Stromquist showed the Council the one <br />copy obtained for the Village. Clerk Lorraine Strol,liquist moved <br />that this copy of the Uniform Building Code be submitted to the <br />Planning Commission for study and recor'll"endation; seconded by Trnstee <br />Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />hhJ:'ORT OF ~hUSTl>E i,ETllhRCUT <br /> <br />Amendment to Billboard Ordinance <br />Tr,stee Nethercut moved that the rules be waived and the 2nd Bnd <br />final reading be given to Ordinance No. 77. an ordinance amending <br />Ordinance ~o. 7b with reference to permits or licenses for non~ <br />conforminr; signs or billooards and Ruthorized tile Llel'[{ to cause <br />sall,e to be published; seconded by 'frustee Crepeau; motion carriedo <br /> <br />. Arden Hills Jr. Baseball Learue <br />'.lrustee Nethercut requested .urther study of a request of an appJ:'oo <br />priation of ".25.00 to the Arden Hills Jl'. Baseball League as this <br />appropriation is not in this year's budget. <br /> <br />Minnesota Planning Coc&dssion <br />Trustee Nethercu t moved thllt Mrs. Carolyn '1':;'ssol. Cler!{ Lorl'a ine <br />Stromquist and himself be appointed as members of the i,linnesota <br />Planning COh.mission for the year 19ti4=65; seconded by Clerl{ L....rraine <br />Stromquist; motion carriedo <br /> <br />- continued ~ <br />