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<br />Ccunci \ t'iiil1utU5 - S0pt. II} 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Mr. McKanna si-ai-ed tha-t i-I,ls was a temporary condition and a matter <br />of his survival in business. He ful..thur agreed .to comply with <br />Council's uli'irnntum to eliminate the storing of wrecked cars on <br />the premises within 60 days. <br /> <br />BUSINESS FROM THE FLfCR <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~luniciD"i Water <br />Mr. Casanova presented a petition from residents in the Stowe, <br />Jerrold, Cleveland and Edgewater area, requesting that this area <br />be included in a i967 Water improvement. <br /> <br />Clerk Stromquist presented a similar petition from residents on <br />Glenpnul Road. <br /> <br />Mayor Netharcut noted that residents in Arden Hi lis 63 had presented <br />a similar petition in July and that Banister Engineering had com- <br />pleted a feDsibi I ity report on this area. Engineer Short has stated <br />that the Arden Hi 1 Is 13 project could be completed before winter. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut noted that at the resent Public Hearing, a large <br />number of residents spoke in favor of an immediate water Improve- <br />ment in populated areES of the Vii lage. However, with the excep- <br />tion of the Commercial -Industrial Qrea and Arden Hi 115 113, It <br />appears that construction could not proceed before the spring of <br />1968. <br /> <br />Mrs. G. Harmon stated that she felt residents not in favor of <br />immediute residential municipal water did not attend the recent <br />water hearing. <br /> <br />Trustee Bjorndahl moved that Banister Engineering be authorized <br />to pn,pare a -rcasibili-ry repori' for densely populated areas of <br />the V i I I age 65 per at-j-ached reso I u-j- i on; seconded by TrUSTee 0 I men; <br />ce: rr- i (~d a <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved that a Publ ic Heuring be set for Oct. 2, <br />1967 a'r 8:00 p.m. for a Wuter ,mprovement in Arden Hi lis #3, and <br />that Banister Engineering be authorized to prepare necessary plans <br />and specifications and advertise for bids; seconded by Trustee <br />Olmen., carried. <br /> <br />Bidsror ('Iater Improv",mer:t 67-1 wi II be opened September 22, 1967, <br />at I I :30 a.m. Council consideration of bids scheduled for the <br />Regular Counci I Meei"ing of September 25. 1967. <br /> <br />!1~~9.''1.!l1.. Ne i~qhbor i Il(L~~ <br />H. lagersiTom reported that areas Dorcel-ing Arden Hi lis to the <br />west, near the Soo line tracks, are extremely unsIghtly. Clerk <br />Stromquist was requested to write the Vii lage of New Brighton <br />el icitlng thsir support in cleaning up -fhe area. <br /> <br />tit REPORT OF ATTORNEY COURTNEY <br /> <br />Library SI'fe <br />Attorney Courtney reviewed his titlo opinion as detal led In his <br />Ic.,.ter o'r Sep'i'Gmbor II, 1967. HG also stated in this let-j-er <br />that he has prepared tho necessary quit claim deed for the parcel, <br />referl-ed to as Tri:lct 2, which the Vii lage is conveying to the <br />seller. Trusteo Djorndahl mdvod approval of closing the Bethel <br />transaction subject to Attorney Courtney's removing questions he <br />has ralsod; seconded by Trustee Olmon; carrIed. <br /> <br />c?~ Road F _Sowor ImJ<~mEl.!!.!. <br />Attorney Courtney reported he has obtained the necessary agree- <br />mGnts from Mr. Raetz; as soon as al \ work is finished, assessment <br />roll ~Ii II be prepared <br /> <br />Pondino Condemnations <br />AI I p~r'ries concerned havo been notified and condemnations are <br />procooding on schedule for proporties at 1624 Johanna Blvd., 3155 <br />Johanna Blvd., and Amble Road and Haml Ine Avenue. <br /> <br />-2- <br />