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<br />Ccurci I ('.1intj+;-C5 - Soptember II, f967 - continued <br /> <br />ArnOt-jean Oi I Easements at County Road E <br />D j-{i:j,:'-uT'j- i os \1 i i"h doi'", i Is is de I ay i ng secur i ng of easements on th i s <br />prOpOl~"ry . <br /> <br />'-e <br /> <br />:{acJ'pl1ce ReQues-i~~" <br />H. 3iersach - Case 67-25 <br />Tru's-':i-ee Hai lenhorst reported 'chat i'he Planning Commission recommends <br />concurrence with the Board of Appeals granting requested variance. <br />Trus'ree 110 II enhorst ;-E',portod thai- Ramsey County has stai-ed ol-a I I Y <br />that there are no plans for 20 years to enlarge road right-ot-way. <br />The County Engineer did point out that there might b. need for a <br />sidewalk in tho futuro. <br /> <br />Mr. Biersach stated that the existing structure abutting his prop- <br />erty is "in I ine" and so are many others on Johanna Blvd. Trustee <br />Olmen pointed out that a sidewalk could be placed within the Count~ <br />right-of-way, adjacent to the curbing. <br /> <br />Trustoe Hollsnhorst moved approval of the variance request; seconded <br />by Trustee Olmen; cartied. <br /> <br />D. Kosto~ - Case 67-23 <br />Trustee Hollonhorst reviewed the variance request, stating that <br />the Board ot Appeals had recommended against granting ot the variance <br />due largely to the petition for denial from residents to the south. <br />He reported that at the Planning Commission meeting on September 5, <br />1967, Dr. Blomquist and M.. Kostohryz had discussed an agreement <br />involving purchase of a "buffer zone' by Dr. Blomquist. <br /> <br />George McGuire, architect for Mr. Kostohryz, reviewed the proposed <br />site plan, stating th~t a 38 foot variance in front yard set back <br />~Ias r8~uested due to difffculty of terrain. <br /> <br />Dr. A. Blomquist statod that the structure would be 42 feet in <br />front of houses to the south, that he had a tentative agreement to <br />purchase 0 buffer zone from Mr. Kostohryz for $2,000.00 (buffer <br />zone to bo an unbuildablo site by privata agreement. This agreo- <br />mant has not been consumated to date. He stated that Building <br />Codes sre designed to establ ish the orderly development of property <br />and quastloned whother the requested variance would weaken the code. <br /> <br />Rosid,,,n-rs in i'ho I\rdcn Hi lis ,71 area I-aisod several questions. <br />In reply 'j'o questions from Andrei" Kuehn III concorning deed re- <br />strictions, Attorney Courtney advised that these are civil matters. <br />Vi! lags Counci I do noi' enforce deed restl-ictions. Citizens must <br />tako these matters to courts. Ho further stated that granting of <br />a vcriancc is generDI Iy judged or, hardship in developing proposod <br />constr-uction rate~ivG to he~rd5h1p to existing properties. Mr. <br />R. Kione and Dr. R. Dunn commented on Arden 'I residents develop- <br />ing their properties in conformance with deed and building code <br />ros"rr i c-r ions.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Eng i n:.'lor Lund reports" thai' a se\'ier I j ne cou J d be bu i I t to the <br />property, eithor from Ridgewood Road thru Jurek property or from <br />FaltoisBk property. !t was noted the latter would require either <br />o:-,-ensive fill or a meandering rOLlte. <br /> <br />Mrs. G. Harmon stated that whi Ie she served on the Board ot Appe~ls <br />-;-h!J pol icy W8S no.;- -j"O grant excer:sive variances. <br /> <br />Trustee Bjorndahl moved denial of the variance request. Mayor <br />Nathe.cut requHsted Trustee Olmen to be temporary Chairman and <br />soconded the Motion. Trustes Bjorndahl voted aye, Mayor Nethercut <br />D'i'G:o -rrus';~ee Olmen Nor, Trus"rea Hollenhorst abs-rained. Attorney <br />Courtney checked Vi I lago Ordinances and advised Council that a <br />Trustoo could not abstain unless he has been excused by the Council <br />for special roasons. Trustee Hollenhorst changed his vote to nay. <br /> <br />-3- <br />