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<br />, , <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />Minutes of Cotincl I Meeting <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />31 July 1967 <br /> <br />~ake Josephine Outlet <br /> <br />T. Lynch, 3210 N. Hamllne Ave., reported that approximately 100 ft. <br />of culvert (serving as an outlet for lake Josephine) traverse his <br />property. There are no easements shown on any abstract nor does <br />the County Engineer's Office have any records of Installation of <br />the culvert, etc. Matter referred to Engineer Lund. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Incinerator for Twin Parks, Inc. - Case 67-24_ <br /> <br />Mrs. J. Adams requested Counci I approval to Install a Joseph Goder <br />Incinerator to be housed In a Butler bui Idlng at their Trai ler Park. <br />Mrs. Adams reported that this model met St. Paul and Minneapolis <br />requirements regarding air pollution. <br /> <br />Councl I requested Mrs. Adams to make required application at the <br />Village Hall on August I and to appear at the Planning Commission <br />meeting of August I. <br /> <br />Amble Road Matters <br /> <br />R. Pederson, 1224 Amble Road, Inquired about the status of condemnat- <br />Ion proceedings on bu! Idings located on Amble Road and Hamllne Ave. <br />Atty. Salland reported that this matter Is being pursued. <br /> <br />He further stated that he was dissatisfaction with recent patching <br />repairs on Amble Road. Trustee Dlmen reported that he had Inspected <br />Amble Road, found all chuck hcles filled and sur'face as smtloth as <br />could be expected considering the road-base and amount of money <br />recently authorized for malnten~nce. Trustee Dlmen agreed to try <br />to schedule spring repairs at an earlier date next year In an attempt <br />to minimize chuck holes, etc. <br /> <br />Water ~1atter <br /> <br />E. Colestock representing an associatIon of ARden Hills business <br />and profe'sslonal men stressed the urqent need fOI" water In the <br />commercial-Industrial area. <br /> <br />C. Lund or Roberts Properties 6x?ressed an urgent need for water <br />to'accomo~a sprinkler systEm required by a prospective tenant <br />of' i'heir new warehouse building. <br /> <br />R. McNlesh, Chairman of the Water Study Committee, reviewed activitIes <br />of the Committee as dete! led In his memorandum of July 31, 1967. <br /> <br />Atty. J. Salland advised .that to his knowledge, Atty. Courtney has <br />no written commitment from Ros0vIlle as yet. Trustee Crepeau, <br />EngIneer Short and R. ~'1cNlesh will s(:hedule amee+ing as soon as <br />possible with Rosev! I Ie representatives to obtaIn a brief expression <br />of Intent. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Atty. J. Salland advised that the size of a project can be reduced, <br />but cannot be increased after publ icatlon of the publ ic hearing. <br />He also noted that mailed notices to effected property owners Is <br />a legai requirement. <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndehl moved that the VIllage IHty. be author-l zed to <br />publ i6h the necessary notices for a public hearing to be held <br />Tuesday, August 29, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Johanna Elementary <br />School; notices of hearing to be published In the New Brighton <br />Bulletin on August 10 and 17, 1967. Purpose of the hearing is to <br />present plans and costs for municIpal water In Arden Hills under <br />Plan A and A~terna-re Plan B; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; carrled,fJ..v <br />~~~ <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that Banister Engineering Co. be authorized <br />to advertise for bids for a municipal water project identified as <br />Plan A and A ~nate Plan B, which includes booster pumps and <br />storage tank. The advertisement for bids to be accomplished as <br /> <br />-2.. <br />