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<br />. <br /> <br />iilnutes of Counci I f~e{)ting <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />31 Aug. 1967 <br /> <br />soon as poSsib:ej seconded by Trustoe Hollenhorst; car,-led. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested that during the nOKt three weeks publicity <br />be given the public hearing for municipal w~ter. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT 'OF ATTORNEY SALLAND <br /> <br />Library Site dw~4e,~~1 <br /> <br />Arden Hlfls received a Resolution~Od 19 ,Iun:! 1967, In ./thlch <br />they resolved to accept the slta 'n~-~gread to construct a branch <br />library on this site. <br /> <br />The closing data of this transL^c-:-ion wi II be approximately Sopt. IS, <br />1967, as detailed In Atty. CourtneY'3 leti'er of 27 July 1967 to <br />Mr. W. Ei1s.t'und. <br /> <br />Skelly Qll Co. Public Hearin~Cas3 67-14 <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney advised In his letter of July 28, 1967, that Case 67-14 <br />should not be put on the Planning Commission agenda of August I, 1967; <br />technicalities concerning the ownership report are responsible for <br />this delay. Mr. Sundberg of Skelly Oil h~s boen advised on thIs <br />mai~"""'er . <br /> <br />Helman Prop-erty ra~batement <br /> <br />Atty. Cou~tney roported detal Is of his at*.ndancB at the Ramsey <br />County Board of Commissioners Mdeting of Ju;y 17, 1967. Status of <br />tax abatement on this property is outlined In the attorney's letter <br />of July 213,1967, to Cle.-k lor'raine St,-omqu,s't. <br /> <br />Public Hearing - HalOnjn,..,_.Ca_~~,E/-.::j <br /> <br />In his iBttwr of JUly Ld, t967, Atty. Courtney advised that this <br />application Is being proCessed un1er )rovi,loni of Ordinance '69. <br />Since this involves a rezonl~g ~ppllc~tlon, the Planning Commission <br />should review thls matter at thel, August I mooting and report <br />promptly to the Coune! I. The req~lrod no~'rce of public hearIng <br />has bean prepared fo,' publleatlcn in -:-119 NElli BrIghton Bulletin on <br />August 3; notlcos of hearing sheuld be m6ilcd by Au~ust 3 to owners <br />lIsted on the ownorship report. <br /> <br />If the Council ac1s favorably on the will require <br />~mendlng tho Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />Atty. J. Salland was roquested tG attend the August I meeting of <br />the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />. Shc'rm','ood Dri~ AI"ea Eels'ament:; <br /> <br />Examl~atron5 of records relating to title ot the Rslaux property <br />a~d of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Biock I, ~ra SUbject tg three eaSGffients <br />to tho State of Mlnns5ota, Itm agsnts, etc. Some lots In Black 2 <br />~?pGBr to be Subject to th& same conditions. In his letter of <br />July 28.. i967, IHty. C,Jt:rtney IIdvlsed that those efisements glva D.2. <br />rights to the public at large. Since therm !s no trespassing <br />Ord i nllnce in I\rdoll H, II s, It wou I d be no<:;essary for property o',mers <br />to first instruct unauthorized psrrles to lcuve the premises before <br />prasocutlon lor trespass CQuld be institutud under the Trespass <br />S'j'ai-t.ta. Property OWnEir5 could por.t 'j'helr pt'Oper1'y with ;'Prlvate <br />Property - No Trespassing" signs. <br /> <br />.US,lIar Or~L~!1!!!f~!~'!!~~.l!.!. <br /> <br />ir~ste9 Hol lenharst moved that tha fee for Sunday on-SBle liquor <br />be set at $200.00 per year; seconded by Trustee Olmsn; car~led. <br /> <br />Trustee CrDpeau moved that the rules be waIved and the second and <br />flnlli I-eading I:la given to an Ordl!;ance amending Ordinance ,192 <br /> <br />.-3- <br />