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<br />Minutes of Regul~r Council Mseting - June 26, 1967 - contlnu~d <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />the Lake Jcha~na Elementary School; tho eight elections judges <br />were named, as attached; (four at each pol ling place) and authorized <br />the clerk to cause the posting and publication of the notice as re- <br />quired by law; seconded ~y Trustee Crepeau. Those voting In favor <br />of the motion: Trustee ~ollenhorst, Crepeau, Olmen and BJorndahl; <br />opposed: Mayor Nethercut; motion carrIed. <br /> <br />The Council agreed with Trustee BJorndahl's recommendation that <br />Mrs. Schiller prepare a news artIcle for publication on this subject. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 92 Amendment <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that our present Ordinance <br />No. 92 will have to be amended to allow liquor to be sold on Sun- <br />days and presented such an ordinance. <br /> <br />Trustee Bjorndahl Introduced by title and gave the first reading <br />to an Ordinance amendIng OrdInance No. 92, relatIng to the sale <br />and Consumption of intoxicatIng liquors, to authorize granting <br />of special licenses for sale of liquor on Sundays, and setting the <br />license fee therefor; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />St. Paul - Roseville Sewer Rate Contract <br />Attorney Courtney submitted a letter, dated June 26, 1967, to Clerk <br />LorraIne Stromquist with caples to the CouncIl members and Engineer <br />Lund regarding the proposed St. Paul - Rosevllfe sewer rate contract. <br />He summarized the tetter and suggested the Council study it. <br /> <br />At Engineer Lund's request, The CouncIl authorized him to check <br />the amount of flow from the area north of County Road E. The Council <br />authorized Attorney Courtney to discuss the questions raised In <br />his letter with Mr. Bell, Rosevllle's attorney. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen reported that the Publ Ie Works Committee thinks the <br />Village should rely on the hired consultants' opinions; that every <br />effort should be made to eliminate storm water flowing through the <br />system Including the raising of the man holes especially In the <br />swampy areas; also the meters be activated as soon as possible. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut reported that the Finance Committee had no unfavor- <br />able reaction. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist Informed the Council that Rosevllle <br />Administrator Richard Turnlund has stated that he will attempt to <br />get answers from St. Paul regarding any questions from Arden Hills, <br />and was anxious to get a decIsion from the Arden Hills Council. <br /> <br />The Council informally approves the contract, subject to the find- <br />Ings of Attorney Courtney. <br /> <br />Adoption of Drive-In Ordinance <br />Attorney Courtney read the Drive-In Ordinance with revisions as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Trusteo ~o!lenhorst moved th~t the rules be waived and the second <br />and flna! reading be given to an OrdInance regulating and licensing <br />the operation of drIve-In businesses within the Village of Arden <br />Hills, providing for license fees, and prescribing penalties for <br />violations; seconded by Trustee Dlmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Non-Support Matters <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist reported that she had checked surrounding <br />villages regarding their positions regardIng non-support cases and <br />was Informed by New Brighton that the villages are required to prose- <br />cute such eases. Attorney Courtney informed the Council that he <br />now has another request for prosecution; he will check the statutes, <br />inform the Counci I in writing and proceed with prosecution. <br /> <br />Case 67-4, Multi-Dwelllnq <br />Attorney Courtney reported that he received a call from Attorney <br />Dick Jones, representing the Developers for the proposed apartment <br />complex; Mr. Jones has not decided If he wants to proceed under the <br />new or old Zoning Ordinance, Under the old Ordinance, the public <br />hearing would be held by the Council; under the new Ordinance, the <br />Planning CommissIon would hold the publIc hearing. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney stated that he does have a choice since the <br />proposal was Initiated while the old Ordinance was In effect. <br />-2~ <br />