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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting - June 26, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Trustee Crepeau, that the <br />matter be re-referred to the Planning Commission; motion carried. <br /> <br />Pedestrian Tral I <br />In response to an Inquiry from Trustee Bjorndahl, Attorney Courtney <br />stated that the Village would not have the right to prohibit motor- <br />ized vehicles on public rlght-of-ways; the Village could only enforce <br />this where posted and this would have to be defined In the Ordin- <br />ance. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Larson-Schacker Drainaqe ProJect <br />Trustee Olmen moved the advertisement for bids be published with <br />the acceptance of bids on July 10, 1967, until 8:00 p.m. Bid <br />opening to be at the Regular Council Meeting of July 10, 1967; <br />seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />County Road F Sewer Assessment <br />Engineer Lund wll I submit to Attorney Courtney the name of the <br />third party requesting sewer service on County Road F; Attorney <br />Courtney will then attempt to get a waiver of the public hearIng <br />from this person. <br /> <br />Hlqhw8Y Liqhtlnq Plans <br />Engineer Lund Informed the Council that he will have a report on <br />the proposed State Highway Department plans for the lighting of <br />the Intersection at Highway 51 and County Road E. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Amble Road <br />Trustee Olmen reported that the Pub! Ic Works Committee would like <br />a study made to determine which is more economical, to continue <br />patching or a complete improvement. They feel the cost should <br />not exceed the cost of maintenance of the improved roads (sweeping <br />and seal coating> over a three year period. Matter referred to <br />Engineer Lund for cost estimates and feaSibiliTy report. <br /> <br />Fred Nixon suggested that Thom Drive be given the same considera- <br />tion. Trustee Olmen assured the residents of Amble Road that temporary <br />patching will be done this week. <br /> <br />Street MaIntenance <br />Trustee Olmen reported that the seal coating planned for this year <br />has been completed. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Lake Josephine Drainage Ditch <br />Trustee Olmen informed the Council that the Public Works Committee <br />recommends Plan B as prepared by Banister Engineering Company as <br />this plan required only one easement. <br /> <br />In response to Trustee Olmen's inquiry, Engineer Lund believes the <br />pipe will not clog, but should probably be cleaned about once a <br />year as preventative maintenance. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br />(given by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist) <br />The following written report was submitted by Mr. Kelley on the <br />!4th of June, 1967, copies of whIch were given to the Council. <br />1933 County Road D - the exterior siding and trim has been painted; <br />refuse will be removed this week when the interior is finished. <br />Edqewater Motel - New owner has taken possessIon and the refuse <br />cleaned up satisfactorily. <br />Peterson Residence - located at Cannon and Tiller Lane. The siding <br />has been instal ted and partially primed. The outdoor toilet has <br />been removed. The garage doors have been ,delivered and will be <br />installed within the next ten days. <br />Circle S ranch - the area which was burned Is stili quite littered <br />and does not comply with our standards. The owner has been given <br />until June 3D, 1967 by the Court to meet our requirements. <br /> <br />Amble Road - will report at the next Council meeting on two small <br />dilapidated buildings located at the corner of Hamllne and Amble <br />Road. <br /> <br />-3- <br />