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<br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting - May 22, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Proposed Sewer Cont~nct - St. Pee! <br />Trustee Olmen and Clerk Lorraine Stromquist attended a meeting In Rosevll Ie <br />to discuss the proposed sewer contract with St. Paul. Under the proposed <br />contract, sewage rate to the Village would be based on the ultimate volume <br />of sewage rather than number of connections. Meters wil I have to be re- <br />activated which will be checked by the Village of Rosevll Ie. Clerk submitted <br />a written report on the meeting to each of the CouncIl members. The pro- <br />posed contract was referred to the Finance Committee, Public Works Committee, <br />Village Attorney, and VI I IHge Engineer for recommendations. Another meeting <br />for submitting the Villages' decisions has been set In two weeks In Rose- <br />Ille. , <br /> <br />uncil requested Clerk to ask Rosevllle for a delay In the meeting date <br />pending the recommendations from the referrals. <br /> <br />Proposed Amendment to PiattlnQ Ordinance, <br />Trustee Hol lenhorst moved that an amendment to the Platting Ordinance be <br />drafted by the Vii lage Attorney regarding restrictions on road easements; <br />seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />Drainage Ditch No.4 <br />Engineer Lund reported that the residents are concerned about an erosion <br />problem as a result of t~e ditch project; he thinks this is a good time to <br />present the question to the County Engineer and suggested Clerk Lorraine <br />Stromquist write to him concerning this matter. Engineer Lund believes they <br />do plan on deepening and possibly widening the channel. <br /> <br />Mr. Reioux expressed his concern about the appearance of a box culvert 5 ft. <br />high and 15 ft. long and also about debris and slit. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund Informed him that RosGville will pr0~Gnt plans to Arden Hills <br />for approval before goIng ahead with the project; the County has been re- <br />quested to check the outlet means. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst suggested that Mr. Reioux be notified as soon' as the <br />plans are available and requested Mr. Reloux to send 6 letter to the Council <br />with a copy to Banister Engineering Company listing his specific matters of <br />concern. <br /> <br />DriveWay Entrances on Trunk HiQhways. <br />Letter from the Minnesota State Highway Department regarding rules and regu- <br />lations on driveway entrances on trunk highways was referred to the Clerk and <br />the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />County Road F Sewe.r Assessment Ro Ie <br />Engineer Lund submitted two copies <br />sewer extension on County Road F. <br /> <br />of the proposed assessment role for the <br />Matter referred to Village Attorney. <br /> <br />Larson-Schacker DrainaQ9 Matter <br />Engineer Lund submitted a plan for this drainage project, stating that it Is <br />a combination of the previously submitted plans numbered! and 2. The Councl I <br />~roved the plan and it was submitted to Clerk Lorraine Stromquist. Engineer <br />~d stated that he wi I I get cost estimates for the next Council meetIng. <br /> <br />Charles Perry Park - MOSQuito Control <br />The Metropoi i"l-an (~~osqui.i.c Con~-r'ot DrstcTct hc;:s req:..lostcd S:;t,;nci! perrr.!ss!O!1 <br />to ditch three ponding areas in this park to allow the water to ftow into <br />one pondlng area. These would be open ditches. Clerk Informed the Council <br />that the maIntenance department has access to free fl! I from Highway projects; <br />the District felt this would be an alternate solution to el iminatlng the <br />breeding ponds, but this would be financed by the Village; the open ~!?chlng <br />would be paId by the DistrIct. Letter and map showing area referred ~o Parks <br />and Recreation Committee. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOLLENHDRST <br /> <br />(previously covered) <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />House File No. 1533 <br />Tr./:;T'<:.e.. l.;repeau di3trlbuted caples of this file to member;; of the CouncIl. <br /> <br />-3- <br />