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<br />". <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting - May 8, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Sign Ordinance <br />Attorney Courtney requested a copy of Planning Report #4 to determine If <br />any changes are necessary in the sIgn ordinance. <br /> <br />Perry Park Tax Abatement <br />Attorney Courtney reported that contrary to the vii lage auditIng firm's <br />statement, the taxes have been abated on the Perry Park property. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lambros DraInage Matter <br />Attorney Courtney reported that he had talked wIth Mr. Scheppergrell, <br />Shorevlew AdmInistrator, concerning the financIng of this project, and <br />their position Is stili very Indefinite. Mayor Nethercut recommended <br />and the Council agreed that representatives attend the Shorevlew Council <br />meeting to answer their questions. It was decided that Engineer Lund <br />and a member of the Council represent Arden Hills. Matter referred to <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist to determine the dates of their meetings. <br /> <br />Zoning OrdInance <br />Attorney Courtney advised the Council that the ZonIng OrdInance should <br />be proof-read again before copies are made for dIstribution; matter <br />referred to Clerk Lorraine Stromquist. He also stated that the Ordinance <br />must be filed wIth the Register of Deeds.' <br /> <br />Sewer Assessment - County Road F <br />Trustee Olmen moved that Banister Engineering Company be authorized to <br />prepare a sewer assessment rol I for two lots on County Road F; seconded <br />by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN <br /> <br />Don Gode, Chairman of the Community Improvement Committee, reported that <br />thIs campaign will concentrate on the week of May 20-27. He submitted <br />a news release which he requested be published and copies sent to the <br />members of the committee. Matter referred to Clerk Lorraine StromquIst. <br />The Committee will tour the Village and work with the pollee department <br />In accomplishing the clean up. They are requesting residents who are <br />located adjacent to an empty lot, to place the debris in containers near <br />the street and the maintenance department will pIck it up; however, the <br />maintenance department is not authorized to pick up from residents. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Larson-Schacker Drainage Matter <br />Engineer Lund requested clarification of the plan to be used for this <br />project; Trustee Olmen Informed him that Plan No. I is to be followed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDiNG INSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />3205 North Lexington Avenue <br />Mr. Kelley informed ~he Council that one area at this site Is stili sub- <br />standard and contaIns some debrIs whIch Is hazardous. Clerk requested <br />to contact the iendlng agency for thIs property and arrange a meeting <br />.between Mr. Kelley and theIr representative, as suggested by Mr. Kelley. <br /> <br />3155 Johanna Boulevard <br />Mr. Kelley stated that the building at 3155 Johanna Boulevard is unsafe; <br />he Intends to post It as such and requests that condemnation proceedings <br />be Initiated. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that the Attorney be authorized to initiate con- <br />demnation proceedings against the property located at 3155 Johanna Blvd. <br />seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; motTon carried. <br /> <br />Unfinished House <br />A complaint had been received concerning a house under construction at. <br />Tiller Lane and Cannon Avenue; this building was started In the faii of <br />1965. Mr. Kelley reported that the ownor intends to have the house com- <br />pleted In about six weeks. The outsIde toilet has been used for storage <br />and will be moved this week. <br /> <br />1933 County Road D <br />Mr. Kelley reported that removal of the litter from this premises has <br />not been started ye~ as they are waiting to start working on the InterIor <br />and they wIll remove all the debris at one time. They Intend to accomplish <br />-2- <br />