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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting - May 8, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />this In about 10 days. <br /> <br />Junked Cars <br />Mr. Kelley Informed the Council that he wIll submit a list of locations <br />where Junked cars are parked at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />BulldlnQ Code - Board of Appeals <br />Mr. Kelley noted In the new BuIlding Code the requirement of a 5 member <br />Board of Appeals, appointed by the Mayor, whose functIon would be to <br />determine the suItability of alternate building materials. The members <br />of this Board should be qual ified by experience and trainIng. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOLLENHORST <br /> <br />Starr-Elbner Plat <br />Attorney Courtney reported that he has not heard from Starr-Elbners' <br />attorney concerning the type of easement on the property they propose <br />to dedicate to the Village for road purposes. Clerk requested to write <br />to Eugene Gazelka requesting the land owners cooperation In this matter. <br /> <br />Hendrickson Plat <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the CouncIl that the road assessment must be <br />pro-rated when the property is platted. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund noted that the drainage easement Is not shown on the final <br />plat. <br /> <br />There was considerable discussion regarding the road easement located on <br />the western 33 feet of the property. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst, that the matter <br />be re-referred to the PlannIng Commission, and Trustee Hollenhorst and <br />Attorney Courtney assist Mr. Hendrickson In revising the plat for accep- <br />tance; motIon carried. <br /> <br />VlllaQe Entrance Slqns <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved the Clerk be authorized to order eleven (Ill <br />standard Arden Hills viilage entrance signs and thG InstallatIon of same <br />at locations previously submItted to the Clerk; seconded by Trustee <br />Olmen; motIon carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst said that the Planning Commlss!on has considered <br />havIng decorative sIgns at certain sites and recommends that a contest <br />be held In the fal I for such sIgns. <br /> <br />HearlnQS on Plats <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved, as recommended by the Planning CommissIon, that <br />a p011cy be establIshed that publIc hearings on preliminary plats be <br />held by the Planning CommissIon; seconded by Trustee Olmen; motion. The <br />Planning Commission will then submit their recommendations to the Council <br />for CouncIl action. <br /> <br />O~PORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />~ounty Ditch No.4 <br />rustee Crepeau reported he had attended the Ramsey County Board meeting <br />held May I, 1967. He stated at this meeting that Arden Hills approves <br />the project, but Is concerned about the maintenance of the lake level. <br />Ramsey County Engineer reiterated his opinion that he feels they can con- <br />trol this level. <br /> <br />Mr. Turnlund, Rosevllle Administrator, Informed the Board that Roseville <br />will participate financially In solving any problems that may develop. <br /> <br />Clerk LorraIne Stromquist Informed the Council that a formal request for <br />our approval has not been received to date. <br /> <br />The Council requested a report from Engineer Lund. <br /> <br />-3- <br />