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<br />Council Meeting Minu-j'os - April 24, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />problems as a result of this installation. He Informed the Council that <br />a hearing before the Ramsey County Board will be held on May I, 1967 _ <br />these meetIngs usually start at 10:00 a.m. The contracts for the work <br />between County Road C and County Road C2 have already been let. but the <br />balance is proposed. There are about 1.117 acres to be draIned Into <br />Lake Johanna, which Is the same area as at the present time, but the <br />drainage project would allow the drainage to flow much faster; Lake <br />Johanna does have a large storage capacity. Robert McNiesh, 3447 Siems <br />Court, stated he has no opposition to the drainage, but does oppose more <br />drainage into Lake Johanna with no plans for outlets. Trustee Hollenhorst <br />moved that Arden Hills be represented at the County Board hearIng on May I, <br />.1967, regarding the project of the water level of Lake Johanna; seconded <br />by Trustee Olmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau volunteered to represent the Village at thIs meeting. <br /> <br />BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />LIcense Applications - 4760 Highway 8 <br />Ronald Blomquist from Blomquist Realty Company requested an answer as to <br />why the license applications to operate a cafe at 4760 Highway #8 had been <br />denied at the last Council meeting. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed him that Mrs. Kessler. the applIcant, had stated <br />that uniess she was granted the on and off sale non-IntoxIcating malt <br />liquor lIcenses, she was not Interested In opening the establishment; there- <br />fore the licenses were denied because of previous Public Safety proqlems <br />at this location. <br /> <br />Mr. Blomquist then informed the Council that the applicant had operated <br />such a business for many years In an adjoining village with no problems; <br />that the malt liquor license was needed to make the business pay and requested <br />the Council to reconsider the applications. <br /> <br />Mr. Markoe, another representative from the Blomquist Company, stated that <br />they have had people in the cafe and that restaurant license alone Is not <br />sufficient; it needs a 3.2 license. <br /> <br />Mrs. Kessler was present and stated that in the last eight years while she <br />held a license in Shoreview there had been no violations. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that the Council reconsider Its previous deCision <br />regarding I icenses; seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that Mrs. Antoinette Kessler be granted cafe, Juke <br />box, soft drink and on and off sale non-intoxIcating malt liquor licenses <br />for the establishment at 4760 Highway 88, effective through 12-31-67; <br />seconded by Trustee Olmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Proposed Apartment Bui Iding <br />Attorney Dick Jones was present In behalf of the applicants who propose <br />to build a 234 unit apartment building on the northeast corner of County <br />Road E and New Brighton Road; the Planning Commission had recommended <br />,nial of the request. Attorney Jones requested the Council to again delay <br />eir decision on this matter until further plans are submitted to the <br />anning Commission for re-consideratlon. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst Informed him that two of the nine objections listed <br />pertained to site location rather than site planning, that the project <br />would isolate less than 10 homes and would not be a buffer zone. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />".-ere m;;JT .uuvu r op-ea Tor TraTT I C TTom "-J-'" un I TS. rT W05 --agrtltJa-D I f;f 110"1 1111C' <br />Council that new plans be submitted to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />Ramsey County Leaque <br />Engineer Lund reported that Mr. Elliot from Banister Engineering Company <br />has attended two meetings of the Sol id Waste Disposal Study Committee of <br />the Ramsey County League, and is wi I ling to represent Arden Hills If re- <br />quested. Mayor Nethercut and the Council agreed that this would be fine to <br />have Mr. Elliot represent the Village at these meetings. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee Hollenhorst. that Trustee Olmen <br />-2- <br />