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<br />Counci I r~<ilet;ng Minu'res - Apri I 24, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />act as Council representative for the Village at the meetings; motion carrIed. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist requested to inform the League of the above deci _ <br />sions. <br /> <br />TelemeterinQ Service <br />Engineer Lund reported that the final hOOk-up of the telemeterlng service <br />at the sheriff's office has not been completed as they are waiting for the <br />equipment; he believes, however, that this will be accomplished In the <br />near future. <br /> <br />~Lake Josephine Oralnaqe Problems <br />Engineer Lund reported on the meeting at the site of the draInage problems <br />in thIs area; also in attendance at this meeting were Ramsey County Engin- <br />eering Deane Ankl~n, Trustees Olmen and Bjorndahl. Engineer Lund was re- <br />quested to estimate the costs on two plans to solve the problem. Engineer <br />Lund submitted the cost estimates with a copy to each Council member. The <br />estimated fJgures were as follows: Project A - to cover entire ditch, in <br />cludlng leads to new catch basins on Ingerson Court and Fernwood Court _ <br />$12,300.00 Project B - to cover only the northerly <br />250 feet of the ditch 4,700.00. <br /> <br />The estimate also showed the proportionate amounts to be paid by the County <br />and the Village. <br /> <br />Trustee Olmen Informed the Counc!1 that Trustee Bjorndahl was to check with <br />the Lake Josephine Association regarding their share of the cost; therefore, <br />because of Trustee Bjorndahl's absence at this Counci I meeting, the matter <br />was tabled pending this report. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund also reported that this group also checked the area north of <br />the homes on Tiller Lane; the Village of Shorevlew is mostly responsible for <br />this drainage problem. He recommended that we wait for Shoreview's decision <br />regarding the Lambros draInage matter before pursuing this problem with <br />them. Attorney Courtney stated that he had received a cal I from the new Clerk <br />Administrator requesting Information regardIng the Lambros matter, but had <br />heard nothing further on the matter. <br /> <br />Red Fox Road Improvement <br />Engineer Lund reported that Mr. Snyker believes arrangements could be made <br />with the County Board regarding the Vii lage improving this road with the <br />cost to be considered as the Village's share of the final improvement. <br />Trustee Crepeau reported that the County is waiting for a decision from the <br />State Highway Department concerning an outlet from Red Fox Road to Highway <br />51. Mayor Nethercut felt we should Improve the road If we can be assured <br />of cost reimbursement or consideration from the County. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney informed the Council that the Daubney and Reiling ease- <br />ment were given on condition that the County acquire the road, which would <br />cause a problem if this acquisition did not materIalize. Engineer Lund <br />reported that the County would assume the cost for the center 24' and the <br />balance of 44' would be assessed 100% against the abutting property owners. <br />The County would hold the assessment hearing. Attorney Courtney did not <br />tIlelieve the Village could do anything under these conditions. <br /> <br />Matter referred to Attorney Courtney to determine the Vi Ilage's position <br />and also to contact the State Highway Department regarding the access to <br />Highway 51. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY COURTNEY <br /> <br />Maintenance of Recreation Property outside VIIIJ!.B.!.. <br />Attorney Courtney covered this subject In a written report. dated April 24, <br />!967, In which he stated it would be possible to lease the ballfield from <br />Pipkorn Mfg. Company, located at County Road 0 and Highway 35, and then <br />maIntain it. The property must be listed In the insurance blanket policy. <br />The VIllage should obtain a written lease and could be for a specified period <br />of time (such as 90 or 120 days); thIs should be done by resolution. Clerk <br />requested to send copy of this letter to Mr. Lagerstrom. <br /> <br />County Road F Sewer Assessments <br />Attorney Courtney submitted a written report, dated April 24, 1967, on this <br />subject. Engineer Lund reported that sewer construction to service two <br />100' 101's on County Road F has been comp I eted, th i s 110rk was done at the <br />-3- <br />