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<br />Councfl Meetfng Mfnutes - March 27, 1967 - contfnued <br /> <br />Squad Car Bids <br />Attorney Courtney submitted specifications for a new squad car to Trustee <br />Crepeau and Clerk Stromquist. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved approval of the specifications and <br />publication of the notice of bid opening at 8:00 p.m. on <br />seconded by Trustee Olmen; motIon carried. <br /> <br />larnbros Dralnaoe Prolect <br />Council requested Clerk lorralne Stromquist to arrange a meting with <br />Engineers lund and Short, Attorney Courtney, Rosevll Ie Manrger Turnlund <br />and representation from Shorevlew to discuss the financial partIcipation <br />of this proJect. <br />I <br /> <br />Red Fox Road <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that he has receIve the forms <br />for tax abatement re Red Fox Road and will have them for t e next <br />Council meeting. <br /> <br />thorlzed the <br />April 1967; <br /> <br /> <br />Plattlna Ordinance - Second and Final Reading <br />Attorney Courtney and Clerk lorralne Stromquist alternated In reading <br />the complete Platting Ordinance. <br />Attorney Courtney noted that there Is no punitive provlsio~ and recommended <br />that this be Included specifying non-conformance as a miSdramor with the <br />penalty being a $100.00 ,fine or 90 days Imprisonment. <br /> <br />Clerk lorralne Stromquist noted that the effective date dl <br />with previously passed ordinances; The Councl I recommende <br />changed to have the ordinance effective Immediately after <br /> <br />not conform <br />that this be <br />ubllcatlon. <br /> <br />.' <br />" <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst moved that the Third Reading requlreme t be waived, <br />and approved the Second and Final reading of an ordinance egulatlng the <br />subdivision and platting of land In the Village of Arden Hils, providing <br />for the Installation or guarantee of InstaUatlon of utili les. street <br />pavements and other essential developments by the subdlvld r; providing <br />for the dedication and acceptance of land for publIc use; roviding for <br />the ~mposlng of plat approval fees; prescrlb~ngpenaltles or the violation <br />0'1 Its provisions and repealing Ordinance No. 59; as amend d, and dlrect,ed <br />Its publication; seconded by Trustee crepea~,;motlon Carrljd. <br /> <br />Proposed Zoning Ordinance - First ReadIng "C' " <br />A~torney Courtney read the tl11e of the Ord'linanc:e and po,nled out change,'s <br />,'In: the rough draft. " He suggested that dr I vi.ltl ns be cons I d red in the ,,'" <br />".o!:(),n;In;g OrdInance under speC: I a I use perm I t ,irI}lth licensing nder a separate <br />,,>(),r,d,,-nance. Th I s suggest Ion was approved by}f~li Counc I I . rustee Ho II~in,hors <br />tI,lin)tr;oduced by title ,and approved the First R.iJ:'ad:Jng to the levlsed ordJ.Jj<t'nce <br />'~h,..;e94Iatlng the use of land, the location an~::ctheuse of bu Idlngs andfli. <br />\~.\,,;,air'ra,'ngement of buildings on lots In the VI F!:ilJge :of Arden H 115; adoptln~i <br />,', ,a_zpn,lng district map;repeellng Inconslsteot, ordInances; nd Imposing' <br />"peila;,I'tles for violation; seconded by TrusteE! BJorndahl; mo Ion carrle,d., <br /> <br />Non Conformlno Use Inquiry <br />R()ger Reiling, owner of the triangular piece of property f rmed by NaY{ <br />:'lkJ'gliton Road and lake Johanna Boulevard, stated his conce n regardIng the <br />r\'on,-;conformlnq use of his property on which Is located a P re Of I Station, <br />'asrnall groclIq' store and dwelling. His primary concern bing the possl- <br />bU Ity of rebuilding or remodeling of the s!!Jructure If par lally destroyed, <br />afldalso the possibility of Pure 011 Co. remodeling his stdtlon. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney Informed him that the amount of damage w IUld determine <br />whether rebuilding would be allowed; the remodeling of the4statlon would <br />have to be first presented to the Planning Commission and ~hen follow the <br />prescribed procedure. No definite commlttment could be ma e regarding t,he <br />property at this time; the decision would be made on the c ndltlons at the <br />time of .ppll~.tlo.. - ^ ,.~ A'r._ <br /> <br />Drlve:ln Ordinance - First Reading <br />Attorney Courtney suggested that the portion of the proposed ordinance <br />setting forth conditions relating to the sIte and locat!on be Incorpo:ated <br />In the proposed zoning ordinance under Special Use Permits; the Councl I <br />ag reed. <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />J <br />