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<br />, <br />,Minutes of Council Meeting - January 30, 1967 - continued <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney stated that there are irregularities In the Rehbein <br />and Keller bids, but these could be aasl Iy corrected. He stated that <br />he wi I I continue to pursue the matter of some financial recovery from <br />adjacent municipalities and Ramsey County; hl~ fetter to Rosevllle <br />has been referred to their engineer, Shoreview lost the letter; a <br />copy will be sent to them, the State Highway Department re~lled In a <br />I etter dated 12 Dec. 1966, that they wou I d not der I ve any direct benef I t <br />from this project; therefore, financial participation would not be <br />justified. Mr. Ankl~n suggested that each municipality request their <br />share from Ramsey County for their portion of the water shed; this may <br />be more cumbersome, but this procedure wi I I fol low the established <br />format which has been accepted by the Board. <br /> <br />"'Clerk Lorraine Stromquist submitted to Attorney Courtney a copy of the <br />cost breakdown as figured by Engineer Lund. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney and Engineer Lund will go over the tabulations and <br />report at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />8ethel ColleQe - Case No. 67-1 <br />Arthur Hage, repres~"tatlve for the contractor for Bethel College, re- <br />quested a building permit to construct three buildings for married students' <br />housing on the Bethel site. He stated that he has already contacted <br />Carl Dale and Larry Brodie, and site plans have been submitted. He <br />stated that the motif would be the same as on the other buildings and <br />same material structure, but they will be more exposed than the other <br />buildings. Mr. Hage also stated that there Is no change in plans con- <br />cerning drainage. <br /> <br />Trustee Hollenhorst stated that everything appears to be In order and <br />moved approval of granting the building permit, subject to concurrence <br />with the Planning Commission; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY COURTNEY <br /> <br />Red Fox Road <br />As recommended by Attorney Courtney, Trustee Crepeau moved the adoption <br />of a Resolution, attached, stating that upon request from Ramsey County, <br />Arden Hills '1111 acquire by condemnation or purchase the 7 ft. additional <br />easement necessary for their acceptance of Red Fox Road; seconded by <br />Trustee Hol lenhorst; motion carrl~d. <br /> <br />Clerk was directed to send a certified copy of the Resolution to the <br />Ramsey County Board and also a letter Informing them of ~he Village's <br />preference to not acquire the referred to easement until necessary. <br /> <br />Lambros DralnaQe Matter <br />Attorney Courtney lnqulr~ri a~ to who will be responsible for the future <br />maintenance and replacement costs. Engineer Lund replied ~hat the cost <br />of maintaining the ditch would possIbly amount to $300.00 annu~lly, and <br />he believes that the village would be responsible for maintenance Including <br />the Lambros ditch. <br /> <br />v <br />. <br /> <br />Hleman Property <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that the Attorney for the HiemanS <br />IL_~eFI"t3t now has authority to negotiate a sale of the property. The <br />matter of verifying the legal description of t~e property was referred <br />to Engineer Lund to report his findings to Attorney Courtney and Trustee <br />Bjorndahl. Trustee Bjorndahl moved the adoption of a Resolution to pay <br />$500.00 on an earnest property contract and authorize the Mayor and <br />Clerk to sign this contract, subject to a legal description check; <br />seconded by Trustee Olmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney will then write another contract for the completion of <br />the purchase. <br /> <br />Ilu~~a. gju~nuahl wondered If the renters on thA nrnnar+v WAPA ___P_ _$ <br />~~e ~e~~!~; ~~gotlatlons. He stated that there are three house;;n~ <br />four n~r~n~s on this ~roperty ~n~ the renters are welfare clients <br />Trustee Bjorndahl Informed the Council that the plans of the Committee <br />were to destroy most of the buildings and to retain some for storage <br />purposes; he would like eviction within 60 to 90 days. <br /> <br />-2- <br />