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<br />1"\:;,\i;1"~::: 0+.: CC\J.l1-.::l! l~k('.':'ir,q - .J;;.fi1J6i"/ 3G, f96i - r.;O~~7r.'HH! <br /> <br />'. ..." Co; ~.. <br /> <br />," <br />.: ~.... <br /> <br />;:c..'.,,::,-~:'~', _ 1-;9 r1'~ . '.JF.' <br /> <br />Twin City Trailer Court <br />As recommended by Mr. Dale and the Planning Commission, and no objection <br />from Atty. Courtney, Trustee Olmen moved that the entire area contain- <br />Ing the Twtn CltynTrat ler Park be zoned R-2, allowing the trailer park <br />to continue on a non-conforming use basis; seconded by Trustee Bjorndahl; <br /> <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Aesthetic Standards <br />Atty. Courtney reported that there Is question whether aesthetic standards <br />are sufficient to support rezoning or dental of a building permit, but <br />believes the portion tn the proposed zoning ordinance should remain. He <br />does not believe that an additional paragraph should be added and he wi I I <br />give the matter further study. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Inere was 50me Uf:>>Ii,.;U::'::JTvn vV"v"lOT-'-H-"--"-'~ ........ -~. -r-.' - ---. P <br />Standards (Aesthetics); the designIng of non-resident buildings by a <br />Minnesota registered architect was the subject of discussion. Mr. <br />Brodie informed the Council that he feels this Is not a problem since <br />there Is reciprocity between states and this Is also included In the <br />State Law. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney believed this paragraph could be eliminated from the <br />zoning ordinance, since the State is in a better position to pollee <br />t~ls matter. Trustee BJorndahl moved to eliminate Paragraph 2, Section <br />IV, under A-Visual Standerds (Aesthetics); seconded by Trustee Crepeau; <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Re III nQ Matter <br />The Council agreed that the proposed rezoning of the site of the Pure <br />Oil station located in the triangle formed by New Brighton Road and <br />Lake Johanna Blvd. remain R-2 as proposed; one of the factors determin- <br />Ing the decision was that it will be allowed to continue as a station <br />under a special use permit, but If the establishment were 50% destroyed, <br />It would be Impossible to reconstruct to meet present requirements. <br />M <br />Matters for Further Study <br />Two matters were I eft undete~": Dr I ve-I ns and the zon I ng of the <br />area north of Carroll Furnifure Company. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />~Iqhwav 51 Improvement <br />Trustee Olmen moved the adoption of a Resolution, as attached, that <br />said plans and special provisions for the Improvement of Trunk Highway <br />Number 125, renumbered ~s Trunk Highway NUQb8r 51 within the limits <br />of the Vi Ilage of Arde~ HI I Is be and hereby approved; seconded by <br />Trustee BJorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund presented the plans to the Clerk and recommended approval, <br />statIng that no lighting is provided on the plans, but they will be <br />In future plans. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />County Ditches Nos. 2 and 5 <br />Engineer Lund reported that at the Ramsey County Board Meeting last <br />Monday, Clerk Lorraine Stromquist's letter concerning this matter was <br />read (copies of this letter were sent to members of the counci I). He <br />reported that the matter will be considered later. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />.Water Study Report <br />Trustee Olmen moved that Banister EngineerIng Company be authorIzed to <br />prepare a water study report which Is to include the following Informa- <br />tion: <br /> <br />I. Description and cost estimate of a technically <br />reasonable area of immediate municipal water need and <br />development, roughly in the area described by the <br />CouncIl statement of January 3, 1967~ <br />2. Proposed schemes and estimated costs tor ultimate <br />total municIpal water system for Village, compatible <br />-4- <br />