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<br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regu I ar Council Meeting <br /> December 9, 1968 <br /> Page Th ree <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl stated that the vi I lage should also make an app Ilcatlon <br /> to HUD for financial a I d. <br /> Water Tower Li~ht <br /> Engineer Lund Informed the council that he is waiting for a formal <br /> proposal from Batzll Electric Co. for a light and Its Installation <br /> . on the water tower. They had given him an Informal price of $688.00. <br /> Engineer Lund explained that this would be a two II ght system - I f <br /> on I j ght fa Its, the second light takes over. <br /> Councilman Henderson authorized the expenditure of $688.00 for the <br /> . light and its installation; cost to be taken from Water Improvement <br /> 67-1 fund; and directed the engineer to so inform Batzl i Electric <br /> Co. i seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> Ma~netlc Sewa~e Meters <br /> Engineer Lund informed the council that he had received a rough <br /> estimate of $i ,000 per Inch for magnetic meters; this could be very <br /> costly_at least one of the meters In an 8" meter. He further ex- <br /> plained that magnetic meters are not primarily built for sewage; <br /> they need a more homogenous substance to function properly. <br /> Councilman Crepeau authorized Banister Engineering Co. to reactivate <br /> the sewer meters according to Engineer Lund's original proposal; <br /> seconded by Counci I man Hollenhorst; motion carrlell. <br /> Fire Underwriters - Notification of Water System <br /> Counci I requested Clerk Lorraine Stromquist to send a letter, as <br /> drafted by N. Hendrickson - Banister Engineering Co., to Fi re Under- <br /> writers to advise them of the Arden Hi lis water system and request a <br /> change to Class 8 instead of Class 9 for Insurance purposes. <br /> Clerk requested to contact Mrs. Myrtle Schi ller, Publicity Coordinator, <br /> to submit an Informational news release to the press. <br /> Water Improvements - Estimated Payments <br /> Engineer Lund distributed to the council a tabulation of the current <br /> water Improvements and estimates of monthly payments through March <br /> 1969. Counc i I requested Engineer Lund to continue the monthly break- <br /> down on construction projects. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HOLLENHORST - Planning ana Zoning <br /> Case No. 68-48, Grudnoske Subdivision <br /> Councilman Holienhorst moved, as recommended by the Planning Commission, <br /> that the council waive the subdivision ordinance requ i rements, as <br /> permitted under Section 13, Subdivision Ordinance No. 98, and app rove <br /> the plat as requested and submitted by Harold Grudnoske and dated <br /> . November 13, 1968; seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> Case No. 68-40, Carroll Furniture Road Request <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst I n formed the counc I I that the Pl'annlng Commission <br /> had referred to Engineer Lund the matter of a feaslbl'ity report for <br /> . a public road between Carrot I Furniture Co. and McGuire's Supper <br /> Club on County Road E. <br /> Case No. 68-45, Control Data Corporation Road Extensions <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst reported that Planner C. Dale and the Planning <br /> Commission fee I that the request from Control Data Corporation to <br /> extend Fernwood Avenue and Victoria Street is not feasible; therefore, <br /> the Planning Commission recommends that the request be den i ed <four <br /> voted in favor, two abstained from vot i ng) . <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl felt the subject should be considered during the <br /> meet I ng scheduled for this Wednesday for the purpose of discussing <br /> future highway plans. <br /> Case No. 68-41, Housing Policy <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst reported that the public hearing regarding <br /> the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan's housing policy <br /> - 3 - <br />