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<br /> Minutes of Regular Councl I Meeting <br /> Novembe r 25, 1968 <br /> Page Three <br /> for, even though the Ordinance was In effect at the time of this . <br /> Installation. 2) No permission was requested from the commlss10n to <br /> use the same I I ne for the second bu lid i ng. Councilman Henderson stated <br /> he was in favor of overlooking the violations since they occurred <br /> during the transitional period; Councilman Crepeau and Councilman <br /> . Olmen agreed. <br /> Councilman Henderson moved that Roberts ConstructIon Co. apply and <br /> pay for a water connection permit and, as recommended by Mayor Bjorndahl, <br /> a stipulation be p I ace d on file with the village from Roberts Con- <br /> struc,tlon Co. stating that If one of the buildings is sold, a separate <br /> . connection will be made; seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> This action was agreeable to Ik. CI iff Lund. <br /> E!..Q.'Lg,Il~~t~'_f.Q.~_E~t ~~~_e.~Q.l~s.t~ <br /> Engr. Lund stated that Banister Engineering Co. will !!!J,PP Iy flow <br /> charts to the Village on f u t u re Improvement projects showing required <br /> V III age payments In advance of payment date. <br /> ~ ~t~LI Q.1!~~_~'!.~flLfl9. _'=- Lallt <br /> Engr. Lund reported he had checked with the M. A. C. and also the <br /> F. A. A. and was told that a warning light Is not necessary on the <br /> water tower; they were not concerned unless the structure was at <br /> least 200 ft. In height. Mayor Bjorndahl expressed his concern for <br /> light planes and also helicopters, which are often not over 150 ft. ; <br /> he believes the cost of $1,000 for the I ight would be a good Invest- <br /> ment. Engr. Lund requested to further check the cost of a light. <br /> North Area Sewer Matter <br /> Engr:-Cund-fnformed-the council that a report will be ready by this <br /> Friday concerning sewer for the north area - specifically for the <br /> Twin City Trailer Park and the Griffis property. The council wi II <br /> then have time to study the report before the next council meet I ng. <br /> He stated that New Brighton wi II act on servicing the area, a f te r <br /> receiving a request from Arden Hi lis. Mr. Adams of the Twin City <br /> Trailer Park was present and understood the situation. <br /> Lift Station Valves <br /> EngF:-Cund-reported that the Iowa Valve Co. would supply new valves <br /> free of, charge for the ones that fal led at the Lake Johanna and <br /> In ge rson Road 11ft stations, If Arden Hills will agree to pay for <br /> the Installation. The company would like the valves that failed for <br /> study purposes. The counc I I ag reed to this proposal and requested <br /> Engr. Lund to so inform them. Engr. Lund recommended the council <br /> request an opinion from Atty. Courtney regard I nQ aD agreement with <br /> Iowa Valve Co. that they assume !he Installatlonl I llblllty I f the new <br /> valves Should fa II. <br /> . Reactivation of Sewe r Meters <br /> Engr:-Cund-fnformed-fhe-councl I that Rosevllle is Quite-anxious to <br /> have these Arden Hills sewage meTers reactivated. He, was requested <br /> to obtain Information regarding magnetic meters. <br /> . <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> (Absent) <br /> Reconsideration of Case No. 68-38 <br /> Mayor-Slorndahf-feff-fhfs-dfscusslon should be based on generalities; <br /> he expressed his opinIon that variances for convenience should he <br /> accomp I r shed In complete accord with neighbors. He read a portion <br /> of the Board of Appeals recommendatIon In which the Boa rd recommended <br /> approval with reservation in this particular case. <br /> Mr. DavId Wes:tlund, the applicant for the variance was present and <br /> stated he was under the impression that the neighbors were agreeable <br /> TO his request to construct a garage within the side setback area. <br /> Mr. H. Lagerstrom, '~r . Westlund's neighbor, voiced his objectio~,to <br /> the procedure used, but stated he now withdrew his objection t~ <br /> the variance. <br /> - 3 - <br />