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<br /> Minutes of Regu I ar Council Meeting - October 28, 1968 <br /> Page Four <br /> 13!~.~~r:..L~l2.Il~tr:.l!.,=-!.Ll2.I:U~.l2.,- - Sp r ink I e r Sys tem ~nstallation <br /> Mr. Beecher informed the Counci I that there were several incorrect <br /> statements in the letter, dated October 24, 1968, from Roberts Const. <br /> Co. He stated there was no permit issued for this work. Mr. West <br /> informed the counc j I there we re no inspections of the work, because <br /> no permit was taken out. The Ordinance requires each piece of pro- <br /> perty to have se pa rate se rv ice; Robe rts Is asking for permission for <br /> . one service for ~wo bui Idlngs. <br /> Atty. Courtney and Counci Iman Crepeau concurred with a recommendation <br /> that Mr. l'lest and Mr. Beecher meet with Mr. Roberts concerning the <br /> matte rand ,-eport to the council. <br /> . <br /> Mayor BJorndahl stated that Roberts should be prosecuted for violation <br /> of the Ordinance for not taking out the permit, and, If the service <br /> is not satisfactory, the work should be done again. <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst suggested that perhaps Roberts Should get a <br /> statement from Fire Underwr I ters regarding the matter and submit the <br /> report to the counci I. <br /> Atty. Courtney requested the date w.hen the work was done. <br /> Mayor Bjorndah I requested Mr. Beecher and Mr. West to get as much <br /> Information as possible and report to the Counci I. <br /> ~LIlIl~~l2.t~JiUl~~~~_~L~Il~_~_~~r:.l2.~~L_~r:..~~~~l!.r:.~ <br /> Minnesota Highway Department letter, dated October 16, 1968 does <br /> agree with Atty. Courtney's letter of September 30, 1968; Atty. <br /> recommended no action by the Council. <br /> Water Assessment Procedure - Co Rd 0 <br /> Atty:-CouF'fney-F'eportedTe has a communication f rom the League of <br /> Minnesota Municipalities regarding the water improvement assessment <br /> for the homes on County Road 0; the present procedure Is TO pay The <br /> fu II assessment to Rosevi I Ie as they connect directly to the Rosevllle <br /> main. <br /> Atty. Cou rtney suggested that if the owner wants to spread the <br /> assessment cost over a period of years the cost could be obtaIned <br /> from Rosevi lie; Arden Hil Is could then pay Rosevllle and assess <br /> the owner. He re,commends revising the Water Ordinance to provide <br /> this procedure. Atty. Courtney will submit a draft for council <br /> consideration. <br /> ~~r:..~~~~~_~~~tr:..~~t~_~l2.~~~~_~LIl~_~~c~Llla_~~t <br /> Attorney Courtney requested Clerk Lorraine Stromquist to send U.S. <br /> Realty Co. a copy of his letter, dated October 28, 1968, ragardlng <br /> sma I I chan ge s in the contract. <br /> . ~ouncllman Crepeau moved approval of the revised contract between the <br /> IVillage and U.S. Realty for the purchase of Lot 32, Block 1 , Ardeh <br /> ! Hili s No. 2, and authorized .rhe Mayor and Clerk to sign same; <br /> I seconded by Councilman Ho II enhorst; motion carried. <br /> . , <br /> \ ~? ~L_~'!!.l'll:' _~ ~~.l'l ~~_Il t _ ~ __fle..L LL 'l9. _~r:.l2.~l'l ct'L <br /> 'Clerk received ~ letter, dated October 22, 1968, from Atty. Sa I I and <br /> regardIng Mr. Bettendorf's appraisal of this easement; Clerk also <br /> has copy of the appraisal. Atty. Courtney stated that no council <br /> action Is necessary at this time. <br /> Matte r referred to the Public Works Committee with the appraisal <br /> letter. <br /> ~~'!.Lt'!CL~~'!e..U~.l2.,-_~_S'!.~l'l~l'lllt - Krannak Property <br /> Atty. Courtney rc-lported he also has the appraisal from Mr. Bettendorf <br /> for the Krannak easement for $1,500.00, which has been given to the <br /> Clerk. He sta-;-ed that Mr. Krannak is agreeable, and suggested con- <br /> currence by tho Ccuncll. <br /> Matter referred to the Public Works Committee. <br /> The basis for the appraisal was $12,000 per acre. Mr. Krannak <br /> - 4 - <br />