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<br /> , <br /> Regular Counc! I Meeting - October 28, 1968 <br /> Page Five <br /> originally requested $3,000 in his letter of July 26, 1968. Mr. <br /> Krannak Is assuming this easement wi II be in the setback area. Mr. <br /> Bettendorf suggested that easements be obtained for a II utilities at <br /> once Instaad of one at a time. <br /> Mr. Krannak's appraisal considers the sewer easement already on the <br /> . property. <br /> Water Ordinance Amendment - First ReadlnQ <br /> Councffman-Crepeau-fnfroduced by title and moved the first reading <br /> be given to an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 103, re I at I ng to <br /> . the municipal water system to alter the charges therein as deposits <br /> on water meters; seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> Mr. Beecher suggested a change In the placement of water pipes Into <br /> the house to p rov I de for at leest six feet of coverage. Atty. <br /> Courtney requested to Incorporate this In the next draft. <br /> 13.l!.'!.L~ l!.1! Jill~ ~L 'l!L':<lL L~'L <br /> Letter dated October 28, 1968 from Attorney Courtney to Clerk Lorraine <br /> Stromquist regarding this ma,tter. Atty. Courtney Informed the Council <br /> that the revision of the Comprehensive Plan is to be done after a <br /> public ~earing by the Planning Commission; the Planning Commission <br /> to adopt by Resolution, then presented to the Council to adopt by <br /> Resolution. Procedure outlined In the mentioned letter. <br /> <ir:l!.I!'lIl~~LF:r:<le.l!.r:t'L <br /> Letter dated October 28, 1968 from Atty. Courtney to Clerk Lorraine <br /> Stromquist regar'dlng a 50 ft. parcel between the property now owned <br /> by the village and the property proposed for purchasing. Atty. <br /> stated that the ownership of these 50 ft. Is not on record and should <br /> be Included In the legal description of the property the village Is <br /> considering purchasing. <br /> Letter and description referred to Engineer Lund for revision of the <br /> legal description. <br /> ~e.l!~L~L_ll.~l!._'=.l!.r:~!.L':._<l~~l!._~Il':.!.~ <br /> The legal notice for the special use permit requested by Duane Metz <br /> gave the address of the property as 1898 Noble Road; It should have <br /> read 1868 Noble Road. Atty. Courtney advised that It will not be <br /> necessary to make any other correction except in the special use <br /> permit as the legal description was correct. <br /> Cou cllman Hollenhorst moved approval of correcting the address from <br /> 1898 to 1868 Noble Rd. on the special use permit; seconded by Council- <br /> man Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> '=-~~L-!.Il~l!.e.I!.L'll!._Q.l!.tLl!.t <br /> . The Lake Josephine outlet Is located on private property and control led <br /> by Mr. Thomas Lynch, 3210 No Hamllne Ave. <br /> Atty. Salland wrote to Mrs. Rank, the owne r of adjacent property, <br /> regarding the granting of an easement with a copy to Clerk Lorraine <br /> . Stromquist. Mrs. Rank rep lied by letter that she would confer with <br /> Mr. Lynch on the matter. Atty. Courtney suggested that, If no <br /> agreement can be reached, the easement be obblned by condemnation. <br /> Engr. Lund said that Ramsey County has asked the vii lage b obtain <br /> the easement. <br /> Matte r referred to Atty. Cou rtney. <br /> If ~!.l!. r: _ Q.':I! L'l~'l ~l!._~,l! r:!. ~ 'l <l L ~ Ii q ~ Ii ~t <br /> Mayor BJorndahl' Informed the council that a request had been made <br /> by a resident to have the water line Instal led to the house, but <br /> not connect until a later date. After some discussion, the counc II <br /> directed that the ordinance be adhered to - the complete connection <br /> should be made within 60 days after Issuance of the permit. <br /> ~q,'!~I!_~~~_~P-.Ii~LtL<l'!tLll'l~ <br /> Councilman Crepeau submitted specifications for a squad car to Atty. <br /> Courtney and requested him to put In proper form. <br /> - 5 - <br />