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<br /> , . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> Octobe r 14, 1968 <br /> Pa ge Th ree <br /> was approve by the Council, providing all claims are first approved <br /> by Banister Engineering for payment. <br /> It was moved by Councilman Crepeau to approve payment of vouche rs <br /> #1708, 1709, and 1710, as presented, in payment of claims to Northern <br /> Contracting Co., McDonald and Associates, and Orfel and Sons, I nc., <br /> . seconded by Counci Iman Olmen; carried. <br /> !!Q.Q. ~if!.!:. _~ ill tLQ.I2_'3.f!.I!.Q.!:'! <br /> Engineer Lund advised that the booster station on Red Fox Road Is <br /> substantially complete, the gas I s In but the electric service has not <br /> . been completed by N.S.P. - they are proceeding, however, according <br /> to schedule, <br /> ~ll!f!.!:._L~I!.!:'Q.~f!.~f!.l!-~~~l_E!:.Q.[!:'f!.~~_'3.f!.I!.Q.!:'! <br /> Engineer Lund a vised that construction of Wa te r Improvement 68-1 <br /> Is almost complete; some testing remains to be done; some lines are <br /> now ready for connections. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST <br /> (Report given by Mr. Larry Brodie, Chairman of the Planning Commission, <br /> In the absence of Mr. Hollenhorst, ) <br /> ~ll~f!._~Q.~_~~~~~ - Twin City Trailer Park, SIte Plan revision <br /> Mr. Brodie advised that because of a previous Council provision that <br /> the trailer park not be extended to allow more than 93 trailer lots, <br /> Is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the request <br /> for six additional trailer spaces, The Commission recommends approval <br /> of the garage-uti Ilty building, as presented. <br /> Mr. O'Leary and Mr. Adams, owne rs of the Twin City Trailer Park, were <br /> present and advised the Council of major Improvements I n the park, <br /> and that the additional land acquired by Mr. Adams should be ut III zed <br /> In some manner, It is for this reason that the additional lots are <br /> requested. <br /> Mr. Roesler, 1964 Mound Avenue, stated that he does not want to took <br /> at more trailers across the street. It was requested by Mr, O'Leary <br /> that the matter of the additional lots be tabled temporarily. He <br /> requested suggestions for the utillzatton of this vacant land and <br /> was referred to the Planning Commission for suggestions. <br /> Mounds Avenue <br /> Mayor-aj"orndah I advised that he and Councilmen Crepeau and Olmen, as <br /> we II as Engineer Lund and Village Maintenance Supervisor, Ev Beecher, <br /> have visited the Mounds Avenue site, and it Is recommended that a <br /> T-shape turn-around area be created, probably requiring an area of a <br /> about 12' to 15 ' In width and 15' to 20' in length, permitting a <br /> . snow plow to turn around. Mr. 0' Leary asked that the area requ I red <br /> be staked so that the Trailer Park can be fenced accordingly. Mr. <br /> Beecher and Engineer Lund were requested to do the staking, <br /> It was moved by Councilman Crepeau that the Council concur with the <br /> . Planning Commission recommendation of app rova I of the construction of <br /> the garage as shown on the plan; seconded by Commissioner Olmen, carried, <br /> Case No. 68-31 Schwletz Variance. <br /> Councilman-Crepeau moved concurrance with the Planning Commission <br /> and Board of Appeals recommendations of approval of the variance as <br /> presented; seconded by Councilman Olmen; carried. <br /> c.e..s.fl. Jig,.. _2.!i -=.lL R, Hames Variance <br /> Councilman Crepeau moved concurrence with the Board of Appeals and <br /> Planning Commission recommendation of approval of the variance as <br /> presented; seconded by Councilman Olmen; carried. <br /> ~ll~f!._~Q.~_~~~~~, Control Data Building Permit. <br /> Mr. Lind, representing Control Data, was present, Councilman Crepeau <br /> requested Mr, LInd to contact the MInnesota Highway Department re <br /> the possible construction of a cloverleaf access from the west on 694 <br /> . <br /> - 3 - <br /> -.-.---.- - <br />