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<br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting - August 26, 1968 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />. ~~~~i~i~~~_~~~i!~~~_~~!~[~ <br />Attorney Courtney advised that the basic fee for a subdivision, as <br />set out In Ordinance No. 98 Is $25.00 plus $1.00 for each lot. He <br />advised that he discussed this fee with Planner Carl Dale as It per- <br />tains to variances under this ordinance, such as dividing a lot Into <br />two lots, etc., and It was determined that even simple subdivIsions <br />such as this can entail engineer, attorney and planner fees. He, <br />therefore, advises that the fee for variances, as w$JI as subdivision <br />be charged as stated in the Ordinance - $25.00 plus $1.00 for each <br />lot. <br /> <br />Rosevl I Ie-Arden Hills Sewer Contract <br />Attorney-Courtney-advlsed-that-he-had reviewed the proposed rough <br />draft of Rosevl I Ie-Arden HI I Is Sanitary Sewer Agreement submitted to <br />him by Mr. Bell, attorney for Rosevl lie, on August 13, 1968. He <br />enclosed several copies of the Agreement with his letter to council, <br />dated August 26, 1968, suggesting they be referred to the Finance <br />Committee for study, along with copies of his letters, dated June 26, <br />1967 and July 10, 1967, and Don lund's report of June 12, 1967- <br /> <br />Counci~ requested that Don Lund submit the two exhibits which are to <br />be suppl ied by Banister Engineering Company, In order that the matter <br />may receive complete committee consideration. These two exhibits to <br />be submitted to Attorney Courtney as soon as possible and the rates <br />be reviewed in an effort to execute the agreement before Interest wi I I <br />be charged, Octobe r I, 1968. <br /> <br />Rosevl I le-Shoreview Water Contract <br />Attorney-Courtney-advlsed-the-councl I that since he understands that <br />Shorevlew Is engaged In digging Its own wel I, no further action Is <br />proposed on the Rosevl I le-Shoreview Water Contract. <br /> <br />~~~ita~~_~~~~~_i~~c~~~~~~t_~~~_~ <br />Attorney Courtney stated he has reviewed the specifications and con- <br />tracts submitted to him, awarding the bid for Sanitary Sewer Improve- <br />ment No.9 to Orfle and Sons, and reported them to be In order. He <br />recommended execution of the contracts by Acting Mayor and Clerk. <br /> <br />~~~it~~~~~~~~_i~~~~~~~~~t_~~~_i~ <br />In his letter of August 26, 1968, Attorney Courtney advised that the <br />contracts with North Dale Construction Co. were essentially satisfactory <br />and could be executed by the Mayor and Clerk. He advised the'same <br />could be done with the agreement regarding assessments, which has <br />already been signed by the County Board and the Ramsey County library <br />Board. After execution by the village, copies should be returned to <br />the county auditor. <br /> <br />~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~t_~!tt~c~~~[~LL_E~~~t~ <br />Attorney Courtney requested this matter be held over untl council meeting of <br />September 9, 1968,.. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />. ~~t~_t~~_~~~~~~~~~t_~~!~i~[_~_~!t~~_i~~~~~~~~t~_~~~_~L~L_~~~_~~~_~l~~ <br /> <br />Engineer Don Lund advised that there Is one change order stl I I out- <br />standing beside the change order he will present at tonight's meeting, <br />but the costs of the Impoovement are quite firm and he recommends <br />setting the date for the assessment hearings on Improvements 67-1 <br />and 67-2. ~~. <br /> <br />VAr <br />Counc II set the date for th i shea r Vn g on Tuesday, Septembe r 24, 1968, <br />at 8:00 p.m. at the vi I lage hal I~Notice to be prepared by Fiscal <br />Agent Mr. Peter Popovich, and published on September 5, 1968; notices <br />to be mailed by September 10. Don lund to order assessment Ust. <br />(Clerk to verify this date with Mr. Popovich and set an alternate <br />date within a day or two, If this date Is not feasible.) <br /> <br />~~~L~~~_~~~Lt~~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~~t~_t~~_~~LL_E~~l~t~ <br />The hearing date for these assessments wi I I be determined at the <br />council meeting of September 30, 1968. <br />