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<br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counci I t.leeting - August 26, 1968 <br />Page Th ree <br /> <br />E!:.~~~~!!-~~!.~!:._~~~~~~'!).~!lL=-_t!.~9.~_E!:.2.~!:.!.Y.. <br />Engineer Don Lund, in his letter to the Council, dated August 26, 1968, <br />presented the following method of assessing, which has been proposed <br />at the public hearings. and which would apply to these properties at <br />1292 and 1294 Ingerson Road: <br /> <br />,. Property directly abutting a water main will be assessed <br />at front foot charge of $5.00 per front foot for residential <br />land to a depth of 200 feet. <br /> <br />2. Property further than 200 feet from water main wi II be <br />assessed at the rate of $350.00 per acre. <br /> <br />3. Service connections of 1 Inch size wll I be charged for at <br />the rate of $130.00 each. <br /> <br />Both properties, 1292 and 1294 Ingerson Road abut directly on the <br />water main and wll I be charged as Indicated In the attached report. <br />it was moved by Councilman S. Olmen that these assessments be approved <br />as recommended by Engineer D. Lund and attached; seconded by Council- <br />man E. G. Henderson; motion carried. <br /> <br />~~~~~~-E!:.~e..~!:.!.L:._E~!:.~2.!!!!.!..2.!l_~~!. <br />Engineer Don lund advised he had received a copy of plans submitted <br />by Mr. and Mrs. Reeves for their proposed home and antique shop at <br />Highway 96 and Snalling Avenue on July 1,1968; and advised t~rs. Reeves <br />she should obtain percolation tests and an amended plan showing the <br />proposed location of their water supply well. <br /> <br />He fu rther adv I sed th at he rece I ved a copy of the report made by the <br />testing company that performed the percolation tests on August 19, <br />showing no percolation of water Into the soil. He advised that the <br />only remaining possibility for a disposal system on this site Is <br />the construction of a sand filter which Is outlined In his report and <br />attached, a copy of which should be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Reeves by <br />the Clerk. <br /> <br />~'l!!..IlaLQ.!:.!!.~!:._!i2.-,-_1._=-_~!!!.~L!.'!).e..[Q.~!.!!!.!!.!lL~Z.:.lL-E!:.~l!!.S.Ll <br />Engineer D. lund presented change Order No.4 - Water Improvement 67-1 <br />Project 1 for approval. This change order provides a by-pass provid- <br />Ing a method to supply Roseville with water from Arden Hltls when <br />necessary. Cost of work Is estimated at $1300.00 and change order <br />has been signed by the contractor. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman <br />order No.4 as submitted <br />Henderson; motion carried. <br /> <br />S. Olmen to approve the by- pass change <br />. .1 ILL~e~; seconded by Councilman E. Gray <br /> <br />~!!.~!!.ll.LQ.r:.der_=-~~!.!!.L!.'!!.l!!.2Y~!!!.~!lL67:.1L-E!:.!U.!!.~L!.L:._~rt.!!LH!!.!.!.~!l <br />Engineer D. Lund advised he had met with N.S. P. Co. re locatIon of <br />poles to serve the booster station and was advised that underground <br />service with a pad on which the transformer can be located adjacent <br />to the booster station can be provided at a cost of $350.00. <br /> <br />It was moved that this change order be prepared by Engineer lund and <br />It be approved as presented on August 26, 1968 by Engineer Lund; <br />giving N.S.P. the authority to go ahead with the underground service <br />and pad for the transformer; seconded by Councilman S. Olmen; motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Water Tank Color Recommendation <br />Actlng-MayorlHenrylCrepeau-advlsed EngIneer lund that It appears that <br />the majority of the Council members, as well as Planning Commission <br />Chairman larry Brodie, recommend #311 white for the water tank color, <br />with "Arden Hills" lettered In block letters In dark green; size <br />of letters and color of green to be determined. <br /> <br />~~-,-_Ge~!!. Ga~~~, 3263 North Snelling, Inquired about the status of <br />proposed sewer and water for area between Snelling Avenue and Lake <br />Johanna In the area of his property. He was advised that this study <br />has been authorized but not completed as of this date. <br /> <br />- 3 - <br />