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<br />COline 1 <br /> <br />Minutes - Julv 29, 1968 - continued <br /> <br />Page 1'"10 <br /> <br />and to advertise for bids, set the date for the bid opening for August <br />1:l.~1' 19613, a-I" 11:CO a.m. and cu"i"horizod the Enqineer and Administrative <br />CIE,rk -ro open thE: bids, atl as per attached resolution; s\3conded by <br />Counci ~man Crepeau, motion carried. <br /> <br />~~q~~~!_t~c_E~i~~l_~li~_~~!~c_l~~c~~~~~~i <br />Mayor Bjorndahl reported that Standard Form 101 has beDn submitted to <br />HUD CHousing and Urban Development) for financial assistance for Water <br />Almprovements 68-2 & 68-3. Vi liege Treasurer Worth G. Read is in Chicago <br />.ursuing the mattel~. Mr. Read infol-med 14ayor Bjorndahl by phone at 6:30 <br />this evening that assistance appears vary hopeful. The number has been <br />. designated and oer request placed in an active file. Mr. Read stated <br />th~t after his rB~urn further correspondence wi I I be necessary and then <br />a r'epre~;entative f,-om HUn wi II visit the vi Ilage. Mayor BJorndahl stated <br />that it this request is approved, it eould amount to more than $1/2 mt I lion <br />to the vi Ilage; <br /> <br />BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />Roberts Construction Co. - Ordinance Violations <br />iiHorne;;-C-ourtney'-reportecr-fi'e-h'i3'dwrTHen-a-Tet t e r, d ate d J u I y 2 4, 1 968 <br />regarding apparent ordinance violations to the Building Code resulting <br />from unsatisfactory completion of the site plans, and also allowing a <br />building to be occupied without first obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. <br />Attorney Courtney further reported that he received a report from Bui !ding <br />Inpsector Clay Kelley which detailed the circumstances and recommended <br />notice be served on Roberts Construction Co. as provided in the Building <br />~ ' <br />voce. <br /> <br />Cliff Lund appeared in behalf of Roberts Construction Co. and Informed <br />the Council that -rhe elimination of -rhe islands bet\Hlen buildings three <br />and four was approved by the Planning Commission as they would create <br />snow plowing problems, etc. <br /> <br />Mr. Lund stated that it was an oversite that a Certificate of Occupancy <br />was not obtained. He infeTmed the Counei I that all of the landscaping <br />\'Ii II be compte-red atts,. the mlxt two bLd Idings are constructed. <br /> <br />'~r. Kelley submitted pictures indicatingthe lack of islands, plantings, <br />etc. ~1r. Lund informed the Counci I that 'rhe requ i red green areas cause <br />a maintenance problem as the renters are responsible for this up-keep. <br />Matter referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the <br />Counci I after re-considc:-:ng the site plan. <br /> <br />!t:.~. t.~'{.l..~!~_f:.'{.~,-_:._E.!:.~!!.2.~~_~_X':'..s:.':'..:t 1..2.!l_2.:L-!:'9_!:.!.J..~D_ <br />Latter dated July 16, 196B, fro~ Attorney Courtney to Clerk Lorraine <br />'-i-romquist stated 'n18 le'~iJl procedure for this r-equested vacation. <br /> <br />.nglneer Lund recommended in his letter, datad July'. 1968, that If this <br />. vacatio" is appl-oved, pr()vlsiol1 be made 1'0'- the continued use by the <br />Vi Ilage fOi~ s1"orlT drainage. <br /> <br />Matter referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the <br />Counci I, <br /> <br />Texaco Station - County Road D and C!aveland Ave. <br />___~__,____"__"__~____"_____.f__________"..________________ <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist sent Attorney Courtney a copy of a pollee ticket <br />issued !ieveral rnonths ago to ~r~ Lawrence, operator of this station, <br />resarding Zoning and Sign Ordinance vIolations. Mr. Lawrence did comply <br />with tho Ordinances; the S100.00 fine vas stayed. <br /> <br />Attorney Cour1"ney 0XP1-ossod Ilis opl~ion that the complaint now seems to <br />be reqardinq larae tl-llCk ren~irs 0nrl tIle llse of the stat~on oremises as <br /> <br />" <br />/- - <br />