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<br />, <br />~ <br /> <br />I. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />....., <br /> <br />Counci I rAinutes - JlH;f~ 2(... 196;j -- continued <br /> <br />Puse -i-t:ree <br /> <br />BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />~!.C~~!",.,,~_LR!lL~~Q.~~l~!._ - E 6 9'3W 8 TG!- A 'oj (]!1 ue <br /> <br />Mr. Da!ton Crum, 1540 Edgcwator Avenue requested street I ights on <br />Edgewater Avenue. l~e informed the counci I thai- this is a very <br />dark street and they have had a few incidents recently - break ins, <br />window peepers~ one case of actual intrusicn and his wife threntcned <br />by phone. He stated the ~eed is necessary for safety re~sons. Mr. <br />Crum informed i'he counci I th,d' there is a Northern States Power <br />Co. pole located across ';'he o;','nlcr fronl his n)sidence; the neighbors <br />in this area are in agreemG:lt ~Jith him that I igh'i'ing is necessary. <br />He is requesting I ights be instal led at each corner of his block <br />and also in the middle of the block - the one in the center of the <br />block Is most important. <br /> <br />Mayor Bjorndahl stated that e survey has just been made of needed <br />I ights in the vi Ilage; i"t:;s me'I"cer ..iii I coms up later and lighting <br />plans for specific loc3tions wi I I be submi~ted by ~he Public Works <br />Committee. <br /> <br />~L9..r:!.....Qr d LIl<:iD_~~.!.-B.~_~9.2.LiQ!::.,_~~~9..r~~~_:~ <br /> <br />Ray Tu~ker, 4015 North Fairviaw Avenue, requested considera'~ion of <br />changing the vi Ilago sign ordinance, in behalf of the sign company <br />which ho oIJ!ns, tho mer"chan"f"s in -j-he Village and also the residents.. <br />He reccmmended that the council change that portion of the ordinance <br />relating to set back requirsDBnts; bal laves signs should not be <br />considered s'-:'ructul-es, fh,,'( no signs in tho -,i Ilage comp!V1.ith the <br />50 foot Sotback -- so~e extend onto state prODsrty. Mr. Tucker <br />suggested a dtastic chang~ 1n i"he ordinance for the convenience and <br />I ivel ihood of the m0rchan~s concerned. <br /> <br />Mayor Bjorndahl suggcsted that Mr. Tucker submit a list of his re- <br />commendaticns to i'he Planning Commission.. <br /> <br />Counci !man Hol lenhorst ~greed to this suggestion and requested the <br />list be submitted to the clerk's office in sufficient time to be <br />placed on the Commission's ~ge~da for the July 2 meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Tuck6r commented that the siQn ordinance shouldbe more realistic. <br />Mayor BJorndahl stated his belief that the ordinance should be strict <br />with variances granted If necessary. <br /> <br />~l..9.D__~~i:!.~.EL~equ~~2.'_ ~- S;-(:;ndsl"d S';-ei"ion <br />Counci lman Hol !enhol"sT mcvodappt.ovai of a front se";- back variance <br />to allo".; RaV T!Jcker, Commander Boar<.l o"f Minnesota, ~nc.g to ccnstruc"t <br />~ sign at the Standard Statlon, loceTed at Highways 3 End 96 as <br />reCommended by "'he 8cat-d of Appoals ill their report, dated June 22, <br />1968; seconded by CounCilman Olmen; motion carried. <br /> <br />Variance Request - Krannak Property <br />Mr& S. Krannak informed th8 councl1 of his prob!e:n in Shorewocd <br />Hi lis No.6; he si'at.3d tha',' the 10';'5 \"Iilich he had marked on a plan <br />are i,'i1possib~(J to bui ld en 2:ncl -[-0 als(J meet ~;~he setbacl{ requir"cmen-rs. <br />He has iE[ked wii-h !ls1ghbcr's and they do net appoar to object to <br />this vari-snce. He raquestsd a 15ft. froni" setbacj( varIance. Mr. <br />Krennak ",:oufd-ll1<G a dacisiol1as soon as pcssib!G. ~-lGyo-r BJorndahl <br />informad him of the ~ropGrt~ proced~re for considal-a1"ion of this <br />rec:uest. <br /> <br />Cierlt Lorraine Si"rcmqulst rOGues"i"ad Mr. Kr~nn3k to come to the <br />vi! l a~Je h!: II'"'~ -)-0 f; 1 I cd.ri" 'i"h(~ app Ii ca"r i en; then his request <br />co~ld pc~~i~iy be COflsidef'cd by i-hl) Planrling Commi5sio~ at their <br />JUI\/ r,O(~"'II1C~.. <br /> <br />,) - <br />