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<br />. <br /> <br />Ccunc j I ;';1; nui-us ,~ J t:~;2 <br /> <br />1 n <br />I \..' .~ <br /> <br />ii:~63 - ccntinu0d <br /> <br />Page i"i'jO <br /> <br />?~ !~~J=--L~2.~.s~~,Q.~~ n -i~'l 0 ~_._.__~~ , . <br />A-r-torrey LOUrl"ney Sllbml,"teG a notice of hea~inQ for Sew9r lmprove- <br />I11E';11";" No.9. This ir.Jfjr-ovefnc:;n-r" V,tj l! pl-OVj~jG SG'll,'er faci I ities -for <br />L!v-./\.--Snaps" Inc. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Discu.ssion 'f"ollowf.:.Hi l-enar-dinq the lenoth of th(~ 11ne from 1200 for. <br />as origiilG~ 1'1 8stimai"cdt to '1700 for. ~s now recommended by Engine(~r <br />Lund. Enfjtnth)I'~ Lund e:..:plaioeu -i-hut i~~OO 'ft". \-'Jou~d ccnstl-uct the <br />t i riG 1"0 the southern boundal-V 01- the p rope f--ty; 1700 ft. wou I d <br />construct -i-he I ins to thE'.; bui !ding si"h3 and \'!ould give the vi Ilage <br />con1-rol of tile I illS fOI- Gxi"onsion w!~8n nac3ssary. <br /> <br />COUflC i I mar. C;-epeau moved}l sG::onded by Counc i ! man Ho i , enhorst" <br />approval of tl1G notico 01 hearing. chailgirlg tho length of the line <br />on Fern\10od AVGGt!c to 1700 f.t~ and -~hc cost of the project to <br />$23}OOO.OO~ and dil-0C-rCO Engine~.?r Lund -;-0 revise the fE;8Sibility <br />report; rnotion carried. <br /> <br />Ceuner l,:'118il Cn::~eau moved~ seconded bv Counci 'man Hollellhorst, that <br />-che publ ie hea~ing De Iwid ,;une 24, \958, at 8:00 p.m. at the vi Ilage <br />hall and diree-red oj-he clerk to cause the publication of j'-he notice <br />o'f he:a;'ing and frO I I the legal notice" as pel' -the 1 is';' submitted by <br />Engineer l_und; motion car"rled. <br /> <br />1\ i~jt2:l Hi j ! s. - Rosev i i i e :~''ii::.-h~~:~ Con t tact <br />l:cuncll-'rece-hiv"8ifD"- lv;tfe;::--da-fGd-':T~iDe--l0$ 1968" -r-rem I\ttorney <br />Courtney, ~hlch summarlzed the ccrl-j-ants of tile water contract; <br />copies .oj' ';-he: con';'l~iJct '"i(jrS also dis"iTibu"foO to -;-Sie Council4 <br /> <br />Bettle! Colleae Water Service <br />COU"f: cTT~-:-1;': p r~\7c-a--a-~ I Gtt8-:'~--::rrofn C 1 () ;-k d..rh:J,j j un0 I i II 1968 as d ii) f -h;d <br />by Plt-;-orneV Coul~-hley:; i"o be sard' ~!-() ~~e-j-hc 1 Col !e~Je (egat-d ing -i-he <br />zgl"eemeni" of assGssment and 1.tai'!et., or -i"he pub! ic hOar-log notice <br />of \Vai"0i- Jmprovemont 67-1 by PZ::;';-hel Col J8~JG .i~o 3J I01.-\' en e)~tension <br />of wa"~or service i-6 their property to b~) included in t~lis ilnprove- <br />H,G n t ~ <br /> <br />SPARe - Financial Par"~iciD6.~ion <br />co'unc1~i~'(iun-~HoIT8'n l;ors:r-mc:~E-:"ct:._Rs-ocon rJf.:' d tv Co unc i ! man Crcpce u ," -,"hat <br />J\rd~~~n Hi lis con-;-r"ibu-;-o :5150.00 -;"o3PF-,f.;C (sul-:"~m8r' prog'~am "for re-ral~de.<.i <br />children); subjec-( to -;-ha opinion of A.ttolhnE~Y COUf~-h"10Y; motion <br />carrieu. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENG1NEER DONALD lUfJD <br /> <br />J:.J_!.!-.,,2'J~T:. -1:J~.B52g_~~~L.._-=.~S~c ~.n i-.1-.-:~.Qg~;._)L. Z'i!l5L_.Lo 1"~9}2J]Lg,LY..Q . <br />Le-r-rci~ j-nc,siv()Q "[i-O;n En~Jinz'oi" Lur;d i.:H:d r~G(Hi by ~1avor Gjorndaht;; <br />G>:plainr;u thE: cosi- 'for" l~ep2Jir of -;-;";13 li'f-~~ stai"ion"~ which \'J2S <br />d3megcd by accidental floodiilq. J!1VO!C0S '~i~cm Lumatti and Sons <br />8;1(1 \',I:~~!dOI~ Fur~'lp C04 L"2.I~(3 :::d--h:1che.d ";.0 this !cd-tel-~ Ccur:cil aui'hoi-ized <br />payment of this claim as rGcOm~Snd0d in tills fei-i-er~ <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />L,;~'!~, ',.'-(t.:, ~~..'-~'~,~.. ;;" ,1~':I~E-:Ll~.-;O,_;-;,.~~,'~.T~~,:~~,l, ~..!~ ;,r,: ~,Z-, ,.-....._.._"~.:~. ~'::'::,.:~,:,-:-",,'!,:, 2.;~~., '~.. :,':,--;t,~~,.,t_~,\' J <br />- _ ~= -'~ ~ 'i'-~ . _~ _, 1 .~1~2i' some grading and 50ddirlg <br /> <br />rC3:-r;ains -to ;)C d>");'~,s bV -i-il<~ ccn"i'r'\~,;c-j-".')!,". r'~''::',- ::':,~;-3'j'ed -j-:18.;- unti I "rhis <br /> <br />clc2,o t1) I~: cO:;ipl('~'3'~!fl 8rJ:ljS-";"(~:" E:t;i;ii(";::.~c:'!;;~: Cc~ ':;'i!' not sub~nit <br /> <br />all '/ i:~ \f () j co s -;- () -f' h;3 ',;.' i ! 1 c :~ 8 -r- 0 i~ T;:;::i;.' :"il ,~; n 'j" ~ <br /> <br />REPOR1" OF COUNCi~_MAN ~iOLLEN~10RST - Pi_ANN1NG AND ZONING <br /> <br />~~;~e~6;)w~~~a~2nf;~h'~-h-~-':'.iC) 7~~~-H*':/FZ)h;H~~on, Cou nc; Iman fio i I en ho rs-;' <br /> <br />ii:O'/':;;'.:i appr'oval 0-;- "i-he: pr-F-;! ii\iinc:;r'v pf;~':-f c.~ V(~1{,:);~tjr:(-~ Lc:k(.} Vj'3h':; d2:;'1-8d <br />J U:,l :~~ !t.; i S 6 [) '"' 'i \..: :':; U t: iJ 1 -J' "(. () c: b \/ J d :.l",::, ~; L:.. ..! (} L n s (",; n p S u :', J (.':~ .~-- -:- 0 b!....; i I ci i i1 ~J <br />on C:<2'i--;;Jjj"t lu'j's onl'{ ur:-l'j! i::ani(;:r-;;Ji s;::;:-::-;"ar\' S,:J"'.'j(:;::<;- j~~, ,,':i'.fcJi lal}!(); <br />seconded bV C'::ocnci Cr-:::pc,.;u,: i..~(;"lcn cCi':-~cd. <br /> <br />g"~:~s:~_.J~:~~'"~ ^_"i~,S:,::.~j J~,,~.~__~_l..';~'~__.~- _q-C~j^ "~.y_ ~!X~.L~:,.i-_!~::::.-.:~ <br />Cou.-;ci l~:'IL~:-1 Ho! !,::;t:hors-;- !:lC'/C:l::; r-q;;:'1~-'-C"/:;;! o'f (:, D~n:~; \r;::'Ji"{j v;s;-ienc-Ci" a~. <br /> <br />") <br />