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<br /> ------- <br /> . . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting December 14, 1970 <br /> . Architect Agreement - Horty, Eivln~ and Associates <br /> Attorney Courtney reviewed his letter to the Council, dated <br /> December 9, 1970. <br /> After discussion, It was determ)ned by the Councl I to table <br /> consideration of the architect's fees until the construction <br /> cost estimates are submitted by Mr, Horty; consideration of al I .' <br /> fees and costs will be considered at that time. <br /> Nazareth Ha i i Sanitary Sewer Charges <br /> Attorney Courtney reviewed his letter of December 14, 1970 re the <br /> Nazareth Ha II request for a sewer charge adjustment, noting that <br /> either the date of notification of the re-evaluatlon from the <br /> Ramsey County Assessor's office or Jan. 2, 1970 could be con- <br /> sidered as the effective date for retroactive reduction. <br /> The Council referred the matter to Councilman Henderson. for <br /> study and his recommendation to the Council. <br /> Arden HI lis - New Brl~hton Land Transfer land transfer <br /> Attorney Courtney reported on the progress of the <br /> with New Brighton; stating that the agreement, a,s approved by <br /> ArdenHltls, is also agreeable to New Brighton and, after <br /> execution of the agreement by both villages, the agreement will <br /> be submitted to the Municipal Commission for approval. <br /> Philip Sampson Deed Better to the Council, dated Dec. <br /> Attorney Courtney reviewed his <br /> 14, 1970 re the Philip Sampson land Deed, and requested that a <br /> V III age check, In the amount of $71.05 be drawn to be submitted <br /> with the deed In order that the deed be executed this year. <br /> Clerk Administrator Stromquist was requested to draw the check, <br /> as out II ned In Attorney Courtney's letter. <br /> Attorney Courtney advised the Council that he has requested <br /> Engineer Lund to check the lega! description for accuracy; Mr. <br /> Lund I s to ca I I Attorney Courtney re his findings. <br /> Soo Line Railroad Agreemen~ Re Granting Permission to Arden Hills <br /> to Cross the Soo Line Tracks <br /> .Attorney Courtney advised the Council that the Soo line has agreed <br /> to accept the changes In the agreement suggested In his letter <br /> dated Nov. 30, 1970. The Counc I I accepted the changes, as out- <br /> lined, and requested Clerk Administrator Stromquist to write to <br /> the Soo Line advising of the Council's action. <br /> Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br /> It was moved by Councilman Hollenhorst and seconded by Councilman <br /> Herrick that AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 99, THE ZONING <br /> ORDINANCE, BY STRIKING PROHIBITED USES AND AMENDING PROVISIONS <br /> RE SPECIAL USES AND ACCESSARY USES, be adopted as submitted and <br /> attached. motion carried unanimously, <br /> REPORT OF VilLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> (Absent) <br /> McDonald & Associates. San. Sewer 12 - 13 - Application for Payment <br /> No.6 <br /> Engineer lund's recommendation to approve payment of McDonald & <br /> Associates' Estimate 6, San. Sewer Imp. 82 - 13, In the amount of <br /> $73,187.39, reducing the retalnage of 2~, was reviewed and discussed. <br /> The matter was referred to Attorney Courtney to check the contract <br /> re retalnage reduction provisions and to notify Clerk Administrator <br /> Stromquist of his findings. <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst moved that Estimate No.6, San. Sewer 12 - 13, <br /> be authorized for payment, retaining the legal retalnage; a punch <br /> list of estimated cost of remaining work to be submitted by the <br /> contractor; a list of claims re the Improvement to be obtained by <br /> .-J---_. Councilman Henderson; motion seconded by Councilman Oimen and <br /> / " <br /> /1, carried unanimously. <br /> -2- <br />