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<br /> . . <br /> Minutes of Regula~ Council Meeting December 14, 1970 <br /> . REPORT OF TREASURER WORTH G. READ <br /> league of Minnesota Municipalities legislative Study Re State <br /> Gua~antee of local Bond Issues <br /> Treasurer Worth Read described the proposed State Guarantee of <br /> local Bond Issues as p~cposed In the legislative study, ~ecom- <br /> mending that Arden Hi lis approve the 2 ~esolutlons 're State <br /> Guarantee of local Bond Issues and Short Te~m Financing. He <br /> stated that he fee!s this legl~iation 15 a step in the right <br /> direction and the VII~age would retain the option of partici- <br /> pating In the prog~am. <br /> Mr, Read said that bankers are opposed to the legislation and <br /> fiscal agents and others affiliated with the sale of bonds are <br /> In favor of the legislation, which would make It easier to sell <br /> bonds. <br /> Afte~ discussion, the matter was tabled by the Council until Dec. <br /> 28, 1970, and ~eferred to the Finance Committee for Its ~ecom- <br /> mendatlon to the Council <br /> (Council's action Is ~equested by l.M.M, by Dec. 30, 1970. ) <br /> REPORT OF COUNCilMAN JOHN HOllENHORST - Planning & Zoning <br /> Case 70-36, Special Use Pe~mlt, I.O.O.F. <br /> Councilman Holienhorst reviewed a lette~ from Mr. Edward J. <br /> Sheperd, a member of St. Paul lodge No.2, I.O.O,F. , In which <br /> questions were raised re the validity of the application for the <br /> Special Use Permit, <br /> Mr. Robert Beck, Secretary to the Trustees, and the President <br /> of the Lodge were present and were given a copy of the letter. <br /> It was moved by Councilman Hoilenhorst that Mr. Sheperd's letter <br /> and Midwest Planning's Report, Including a draft of the Special <br /> Use Permit, be referred to Attorney Courtney; the lodge's <br /> attorney Is to contact Attorney Courtney; motion was seconded <br /> by Councilman Herrick and carried unanimously. <br /> The matter was tabled by the Council until the validity of the <br /> application Is ascertained. <br /> Case 70-30, PreUlmlhary Plat - Bussard Addition <br /> Councn Iman Hollenhorst moved that a Public Hearing be scheduled <br /> and held by the Planning Commission re the Preliminary Plat for <br /> Bussard Addition, seconded by Councilman HerrlckJ motion carried - <br /> unanimously. <br /> The 'amended plat was referred to the Public Works Committee for <br /> Its recommendations to the Council prior to the date scheduled <br /> for the PublIc Hearing. <br /> (Mr. ,Bussard was requested to discuss his proposed plat with the <br /> Public Works CommIttee.) <br /> Case 70-45 Bull dl n Permit Re uest - Northwestern Colle e <br /> Councilman Ho lenhorst moved approval of the Issuance 0 the <br /> BuIlding Permit for the remodeling of the Interior of a tlflO,~ <br /> story radio stafl})n ottlce bulldl....g In acc,ordance with approved <br /> plans as stamped by the Fire Marshall's office and reflecting any <br /> changes by the Fire Marshall's office, Including fireproof , <br /> carpetlny and celllny tile. The motion was seconded by Council- <br /> man Herr ck and carr ed unanimously. <br /> Case 70-31, Underground utilities Ordinance <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst moved that the amended draft of AN ORDINANCE <br /> PROVIDING FOR THE UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF UTILITY DISTRIBUTION <br /> LINES AND PROVIDING FOR VIOLATIONS, be referred to Attorney Courtney <br /> to prepare a final draft; seconded by COUllcl Iman Herrick; motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> , -3- <br />